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  1. rolyatnnelg

    Find Members near you.

    Sunny eastbourne, south coast england
  2. rolyatnnelg

    Showers ~ Newbie Help

    curious now Would this be good for all species of chameleon? or just panthers?
  3. rolyatnnelg

    Lemon Tree

    Hi guys, Been doing alot of reading chameleon books lately and one has mentioned that veiled chameleons like lemon trees, has anybody had any experience with these as would like to get one for by baby female veiled maddy. Thanks Glenn :)
  4. rolyatnnelg

    Maddy sunning herself

    Had her nearly 2 weeks now and loving it :D, Eastbourne is good thanks gary1621 just not so sunny at the moment, where abouts in london are you? also does anybody have a good source for suppliments (calcium etc) in the UK? Thanks
  5. rolyatnnelg

    Rep Cal in England

    Hi all, trying to find a good supply of rep cal in ENgland and not having much luck, quite new to this and have had lots of recommendations on other threads about using this, Cal w/o d3 daily, cal with d3 twice a week and herptivite monthly, is this about right for my female veiled approx months...
  6. rolyatnnelg

    Maddy sunning herself

    Yes first time and probably one of only a few opportunities with the weather here in england ;)
  7. rolyatnnelg

    Maddy sunning herself

    she was being watched by the wife so no chance of escape, i'm amazed at how quick she can move when she wants.:D
  8. rolyatnnelg

    Maddy sunning herself

    thanks, was only out for 30 mins or so while i tried to sort her cage
  9. rolyatnnelg

    Maddy sunning herself

    I was told she is approx 8 weeks but i'm not sure, any ideas shes abour 2 to 3 inches in body:)
  10. rolyatnnelg

    Maddy sunning herself

    Maddy making the most of the rare English sun while i try and sort her cage:D
  11. rolyatnnelg

    Help with new enclosure

    Thank you all for the great advice, i went back to the so called reptile store and have managed to get them to agree to change the enclosure for a better ventilation, have to wait for next weekend though but will post new pics when i get it set up. I also added some new plants, umbrella and new...
  12. rolyatnnelg

    Help with new enclosure

    Chameleon Info: Your Chameleon - The species, sex, and age of your chameleon. How long has it been in your care? Veiled Female approx 2 months old owned for 1 week Handling - How often do you handle your chameleon? every couple of days just sitting on hand next to fav plant Feeding - What are...
  13. rolyatnnelg

    Help with new enclosure

    Thanks for the quick and excellent responses, Shes a female veiled approx 2 months old and i've had her for a week, i'm feeding her 3 small crickets or locust twice a day, gut loaded with fresh fruit and veg (carrot, kale, dandelion and melon). I am using chameleon dust (by t-rex) covered on the...
  14. rolyatnnelg

    Help with new enclosure

    Hi all, new to this and chameleons, i just purchased a baby female veiled with a full enclosure from a local pet/reptile store and am a little confused. I read alot of books, internet sites and posts here and not sure if i need to change the enclosure. I have a wooden enclosure with glass doors...
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