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  1. W

    Meller's Mist

    One of my favorites. Looks good.
  2. W

    He's drinking a lot but...

    I would go with high temps. Puerto Rico is nice, nice and hot. I'm sure you have air conditioning, but is the Jackson's exposed to it, or is he in a hot part of the house? They like it a lot cooler than most Chameleons. Also, if you have recently aquired him, he may have come to you...
  3. W

    Thank you all

    I am glad to hear that everything is under control, it is hard dealing with a pet that is under the weather, and not knowing what to do to make it better. Maybe you could post some photos once Cory is feeling better. JQP.
  4. W

    Off topic but help please

    Okay, I feel I did not make myself clear, they are NOT Kings, or Corns or anything else you may want to guess on. They are a racer, non venomous, a little nippy. I am not up on racers these days and am too lazy to bother looking any fun facts up. However, they should key out as either Black...
  5. W

    Advice pls

    Yeah I'm pretty sure I said what I meant.
  6. W

    plane flight with my PC

    That's is correct. They are CITES Appendix II animals and need an export licence issued from the country of export (The USA in this case). There is a special form for personal pets, you will have to check with your local CITES office. Canada doesn't require any special import permits for health...
  7. W

    Off topic but help please

    I am unfamiliar with plants and the import laws for plant in the USA (I'm Canadian). But, was the tree imported, or was it cultured in the States? The babies are Racers. They mostly all start off looking the same, if the tree came from a different state or country, it would be easier to narrow...
  8. W

    Chameleon laying weird brown clear stuff?

    Okay, lets pretend I am the origonal poster. I live In The Niagara Region, Southern Ontario. What vets do you recomend? Not only the one or ones you use, but any other you have heard good things about. PM me. I am just curious if you can back your advice.
  9. W

    Chameleon laying weird brown clear stuff?

    In addition, female Oustelet's seem to come in this time of year in a very dehydrated condition, this may have also contributed to the prolapse. In addition to what I have suggested, get some pedilite, or gatorade and get her rehydrated. Good Luck.
  10. W

    Chameleon laying weird brown clear stuff?

    Okay, first, if it were a dog or a horse or a bird, I think that maybe you should think out the worst case scenerio for owning such a pet. There are many, many, many vets that know these animals inside and out, and can diagnose and treat them accordingly. There are very few vets that specialize...
  11. W

    Advice pls

    What kind of worms? Ring worms? Almost every wild caught animal from Africa I have ever seen has had Ring worms, from agamas to zorillas. get a hold of some Panacur, it is a decent dewormer.
  12. W

    giant spiny not eating

    Try a few super worms, super worm beetles and medium sized horned worms.
  13. W

    Trying to breed

    Sad to say, you guys are collectively a bunch of mutts.
  14. W

    Rodent bottle for Cham?

    If he is willing to drink water from the floor of his cage, why don't you just put a water bowl in his cage, elevate or don't, just keep the water clean. Just saying is all.
  15. W

    Baytril Question

    No one person told me that, many did infact. Enrofloxacin (baytril), is very hard on the kidneys, and with its use renal failure was more common than not. The prefered antibiotic that everyone I know use in place is Ceftazidime. I Used to use baytril when it was the only game in town, or at...
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    Baytril Question

    Was the vet wearing a Miami Vice suit? Almost everyone stopped using Baytril on Reptiles in the late 90's.
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    New book - Natures hidden jewels

    I just got a new second edition, still in the shrink wrap, shipped from Great Britain to Canada, and it cost me $99 CDN in Total. Worth it.
  18. W

    Which Montane Can Handle Some Heat?

    melleri are often available in Canada from November until April, at least 2 importers in Ontario get Tanzanian shipments every couple of months in that time frame.
  19. W

    Which Montane Can Handle Some Heat?

    Just go out and buy a cheap airconditioner, there really isn't another way to effectively keep the temps where you need them.
  20. W

    deremensis babies pictures at last

    How long was the incubation time? Also, at what temperatures? Where did you get the butterfly cages? Thanks for posting the pictures. JQP.
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