Just wanted to say hey. It's been quite a while, like years since I've been on here. A lot has happened. Sadly years ago I had to get rid of my Veileds when I had to move, couldn't have pets =(. Just recently though within......maybe a month or so I was able to get a Nosy Mitsio. <3 I...
It was really neat.... I bought a mantid egg case and after a couple weeks I got to watch them come out of it.... then I moved them all to a bigger container and more hiding spots but they disappeared..... to this day... I have no clue where they went. -_-
make sure the little guy or girl doesnt have MBD like bent bones, make sure there is no eye issues or skin problems like burnt, Make sure the little guy or girl isnt extremely thin make sure the tail looks normallly and the chameleon isnt sleeping during the daytime. Just a couple things you...
Yeah at first I was buying gallons of water at a time and now I just use my tap water. Havn't had a single problem and everynow and then I drink our tap water. It basically depends on the water that is around you. Some Chameleons Love showers so it doesn't have to be just when they are sick...