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    mini is sleeping during the day and not as active as normal lately

    she is on the end of a shed and closed her eyes because of flash hast had em closed today like she has lately
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    mini is sleeping during the day and not as active as normal lately

    Total turnaround she is doing better and better as the day goes by she was just extremely tired from not sleeping right at night
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    mini is sleeping during the day and not as active as normal lately

    Ok so update : woke up this morning and mini was still asleep which is diff because she is usually already awake when we get up. Turned on her lights and she didnt seem to improve much but after about 15 min she looked wide awake hasnt closed her eyes since then. She still seems a little...
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    mini is sleeping during the day and not as active as normal lately

    Yeah i can see the option but it crashes when i select picture so its a taptalk issue
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    Mine really notices me when i talk i know they cannot hear very good if at all but i have a deep voice and i think she can feel the vibrations from my voice. Maybe im crazy but she definately responds to my voice positively
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    mini is sleeping during the day and not as active as normal lately

    75w 120v day basking uvb is a little higher to get a little more coverage but i plan on picking up a a big bar style tomorrow. I cant see anything in her eyes but like you said i may not be able to see it. Ill get my macro lense out tomorrow and get some close ups of her eyes. Should i just...
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    mini is sleeping during the day and not as active as normal lately

    The large dust free wood chips on the bottom of cage to retain moisture
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    mini is sleeping during the day and not as active as normal lately

    Yeah im sorry it wont let me post pics from taptalk. She looks very healthy great color nice and thick without being fat her joints look good no signs of mdb been watching for scratching on bottom i have a bin set up with sand for her to go to if she needs to lay eggs. Her cage is set up where...
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    mini is sleeping during the day and not as active as normal lately

    ill get a ceramic heat emitter tomorrow. i was under the influence that they could not see that light i will watch temps tonight with no light on just to be sure. anything else you may have noticed ? i just wanna make sure she is getting every oppertunity to be a healthy happy girl
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    mini is sleeping during the day and not as active as normal lately

    night time light the red one designed for reptiles at night to ensure proper sleep cycle sorry wasnt specific on that.
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    mini is sleeping during the day and not as active as normal lately

    Chameleon Info: Your Chameleon - veiled 2 1/2mo old Handling - once a day if she comes to us with a finger under chin Feeding - crickets, zoomed gutload and carrots Supplements - repashy chameleon calcium plus dusted every feeding Watering - drip cup and mister twice daily she drinks...
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    Mini is being lazy should i be concerned?

    moved to diff area
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    H2o on the floor

    I put a flat lid from a tote upside down underneath then empty it once a week but i have been thinking about drilling a hole in one corner as a luttle runoff into a bucket so i dont have to lift the whole cage to empty it
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