

New Member
After reading parts in the science thread regarding chams memory I really wish I had the priviledges to take part in the conversation but alas do not. So i was just wondering how many of you guys have a Cham that recognizes you, and even goes as far as associating you with food/water/etc. I myself hand feeding 100% of time have built a....relationship with moose my female veiled. I read nothing but people saying how territorial and aggressive they are supposed to be.... But in the 4(ish) months ive only seen her get visiably aggitated once. Any time I get within eyeshot she's sprinting towards the enclosures opening practically attempting to jump at the sight of my hand in hopes of getting her daily crickets. How many of you guys have built this "bond" with your chams? I'm particularily interested in female veiled chams. Is your cham aggressive or easily irritable? If so how often do you hand feed or handle, or how often do you spend time showering your cham with attention by watching her/him, singing to her/him, etc?
my male veiled has mood swings.
some days he tolerates me, some days he doesnt.
however, he knows im always bringing food, so he normally chills out.
are you aware that they cannot hear? Thefore I probably would pass on the singing! lol On a serious note, I have a male panther who i know knows me and definitely knows I am the one who takes care of him and feeds him.
Mine also recogizes me and the container that I feed him from. He will often actively climb for my arm whenever I reach in to daily clean, etc. The only time he has been aggitated with me was in the very beginning once after he slipped.
my female mostly on tolerates me and i can tell has bonded into the relationship you discribe. she knows i bring the food and water and will even smack when she wants water; however, i'ver noticed when other people ome near her she will puff up and hiss. she never shows me any agression so i assume she most know me.
Mine really notices me when i talk i know they cannot hear very good if at all but i have a deep voice and i think she can feel the vibrations from my voice. Maybe im crazy but she definately responds to my voice positively
My Panther is about 4&1/2 months now. I never hand feed him. I dust and put crix in his cage before his lights go on, and I leave for work. He hunts them when he wants to eat. The crix automatically climb towards the top part of the cage where its warmer when the lights go on, so he doesnt have to go down to get them usually. He is getting to know me pretty well now... He never spazz"s out anymore when I reach in for him. He almost is ready to climb out onto my hand on his own..... I can pet him.... he just looks at me. I dont hold him much at all, I figure another week or 2 he will climb out to me. I can tell he perks up a bit when I get home and come check on him, he will move closer to the front where I am;) So he knows me and likes me
Anyone want to comment on the difference between veileds and panthers?

I noticed my veileds had a much stronger memory association with me and others in the house (haven't had veileds for several years now though).

Whereas panthers are either friendly, or not. I thought veileds to be more personable.....being tame for me, but untame for others. Accepting hand feeding from me and my dad, but not others. Moving around the cage, following me around the room.

Panthers seem to be can I say....Paris 'shrug'....indifferent.

I love my panthers to death, but responding to this post makes me want to get a pair of veileds again!

How are some of the long-lived chameleons in this regard? jacksons, mellers, parsons.....?
I believe they have all the inner workings of ears, but no opening to the outside world, so yes, they can "hear" things that are exceptionally loud or that resonate at particular frequencies.
My Cham is about 4 months old and recognizes my face. Granted, he does not realize that my hands and face are attached, nor do my dogs. Sometimes Bodhi will look at my hands, then my face, and back at my hands as if he is looking for me to tell him they're safe. He trusts my face.. never my hands. Haha. I feed him everyday either from my hand or his green cup. He absolutely knows when he sees that green cup that it's time for food. He will even walk around his cage to signal to me that he's hungry. I've occasionally had him shoot his tongue on my fingers thinking they are food. I've never been able to hold him so he just associates them with eating. I don't think they have a huge memory span. I do however think if you have a Chameleon on a schedule they are inclined to follow it. Almost like a baby. I'm sure if I stopped feeding him with the green cup it would take him a while to get used to it. I'm thinking the reason your Cham isn't as aggressive is the fact she is a female. It bugs me that its a 2 hour long process just getting Bodhi out of his cage. I now see it as part of his personality. If he didn't fight with me I would think he is deathly ill. But to your point, I think Chams do have a memory to some degree. If you do something a certain way over a period of time, they will get used to it. Just like any other living creature on this planet. They will expect things to be the way they've been for however long. They may have facial and/or other recognition. I don't think it is a vast memory, but it is there.
Anyone want to comment on the difference between veileds and panthers?

I noticed my veileds had a much stronger memory association with me and others in the house (haven't had veileds for several years now though).

Whereas panthers are either friendly, or not. I thought veileds to be more personable.....being tame for me, but untame for others. Accepting hand feeding from me and my dad, but not others. Moving around the cage, following me around the room.

Panthers seem to be can I say....Paris 'shrug'....indifferent.

I love my panthers to death, but responding to this post makes me want to get a pair of veileds again!

How are some of the long-lived chameleons in this regard? jacksons, mellers, parsons.....?

I don't find this to be the case with Claude at all. He definately "knows" me. He will ignore my attempts to hand feed in order to crawl out onto my arm (with me still holding the cricket at times lol), he has even gotten "out of bed" to come see me when I have checked on him just before lights out - usually when I get home from work.

He dislikes other ppl. If my BF is in the room, he refuses to eat. He will not go to anyone but me, the BF has tried many times. My mom took care of him while I was out of town and she could not get him to eat or drink in front of her - which he does for me all the time. Leading my poor mother to the conclusion that her newest "grand-critter" hates her lol
I have a male jackson's. He's usually oblivious to whether I'm around or not, but when I get in the habit of getting him out everyday (like spring and fall when I can take him outside), he climbs right onto my hand when I open his cage.
are you aware that they cannot hear? Thefore I probably would pass on the singing! lol On a serious note, I have a male panther who i know knows me and definitely knows I am the one who takes care of him and feeds him.

I believe chameleons can in fact hear things.. but more in a sense of vibrations, and even use them as a form of communication. You may not be able to hear it, but all "noises" come from vibration.
i have a male veiled about 1 1/2 years ...old right now hes really sweet when i go to his cage he know either i have food...or when i dont he will walk up to the door of the cage so i can let him out.... a few months ago he fell off the table and i had to grab him up and put him back in his cage....for about 2 months he was super pissed at me !!!! he would not eat or drink i couldnt even walk in the room with out him flaring up and hissing at me...i seemed like he thought it was my felt he fell
my male veiled has mood swings.
some days he tolerates me, some days he doesnt.

Is it really mood? Or may it be you just wear other clothes, spectacles or whatever ;). I think they often simply react on e.g. different colours, but that's no mood.
My chameleons definitely remember things. I’m positive that they all know me and my husband. They all free range and when one does roam off their tree they all go over to the back slider door that leads to the backyard where we go outside and sun as often as possible. My male veiled Luie roams allot and knows the whole house. He will go down the hall and push on every door to see if I forgot and left a door open. He will even scratch at the door especially at the door leading to the girl’s room. I have several chams that will scratch at the slider that goes to the back yard.

My daughter and I have kept Panthers, Melleri, Veileds and a Parsonii and by far the Veileds have the best personality. I am very hands on with my animals and really get to know each one very well and the veileds just stand out over all the others. All my chameleons are very friendly but all except the veileds and a couple of the panthers are content just being lazy and hanging out for hours at a time in their trees. My veileds especially Luie loves to hang with me and my husband and he will reach and grab for us anytime we get close to his tree except for late in the evenings. He seems to love being with you and will crawl right up your pants leg and shirt to get on your shoulder. All the Melleris have passed and I truly love my Parsons and my Panthers but the Veileds I have had really stand out. They are definitely my favorite species.

Alexl, I have had chameleons that do not like red and have read here where other members have noticed their cham don't like red or orange.
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My male Panther Chameleon Snickers loves to be held. Often he wont leave me alone when I am putting in work on his cage. He will come see what I am doing, then start climbing all over my hands up my arm to my shoulder. I know your not supposed to hold your chameleon very so I don't take him out of his cage as much as I would like to, and probably as much as he would like to as he loves the attention. How ever I don't think it is me in general that he likes. He interacts the same with my wife, and I'm starting to think he just likes people in general.
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