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  1. Zen

    Zen Wont eat,

    going to vet tomorrow.. hopefully it makes it another night. anyone got anything to do to keep him alive.... warm water> etc?
  2. Zen

    Zen Wont eat,

    hey everyone done the best i could to help my chameleon. he is turning white and looks like hes about to die. been at the bottom of the plant for two days now. ive been giving him showers with luke warm water. also had to pull out some poop cause it wasnt coming out. it was white poop and that...
  3. Zen

    grasshoppers at night ?

    It ll be fun. give him something to snack on at night. crickets are great if u give them the right amount of calcium
  4. Zen

    Phenoix Worm

    hey everyone hope your chameleons are loving life and enjoying a full belly. Have a question for anyone with one. do phoenix worms work well with a veiled chameleon. thanks for your input.
  5. Zen


    u keep ur cham next to ur sink? dam thats dirtty change that location
  6. Zen

    Blue Bottle Flies

    looking for a Canadian disruption center
  7. Zen

    Plant Question

    hey eveyeryone just bought a dracaena was wondering if this plant gives out any toxins thanks. :)
  8. Zen

    Veiled chameleon bored of crickets

    what are hoopers?
  9. Zen

    superworm safety

    try mixing the super worms with calcium and powder
  10. Zen

    Reasons why real chams need real plants!

    Im currently using ivy for the cage and some tropical foliage is this good? he has been more happy ":)
  11. Zen


    i have been using sticks and vines from outside. even have some growing vines in the cage to grow. more plants the better :)
  12. Zen

    Why are females cheaper?

    males are cooler more chill plus have another finger. thatll cost more :)
  13. Zen

    catchin food

    cameleons eat moths>>??
  14. Zen

    Eating question

    marinates the cricket before digestion
  15. Zen

    Feeding and Drinking Schedule?

    Feed the chameleon calcium every other day with around 7-10 crickets each day mist or squirt the cage whenever u find it dry. the more moisture the better.
  16. Zen

    How do I get him to STOP!?

    what are you feeding him? try calcium diet and something new like some meal worms
  17. Zen


    must have grown smarter and his brain needed more room
  18. IMG 1612

    IMG 1612

  19. tilted


  20. Zen

    praying mantis

    are you feeding your chameleon these prey mantis?
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