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  1. Zoey

    I'm upset

    haha yeah really! :)
  2. Zoey

    I'm upset

    Haha thanks. Trust me I know how costly they can be. Payday is on Tuesday, we get paid every two weeks and from the last pay day $80's all we have left in the bank. I dont think you could overstep your bounds, because like most people i know, you want whats best for the chameleon. :) Its...
  3. Zoey

    I'm upset

    I completely agree with you. We actually never emailed the person after she took the chameleon because when we tried she never answered. I know Carmen was worth a lot but she didn't seem to care? if that makes since. I'm trying right now to email her and talk her down on the price. Already...
  4. Zoey

    I'm upset

    They've been flagged like 5 times. I've been emailing them. I've talked them down to $120 for him, her latest email: "ok i really need to get rid of him we are just to busy to pay attention to him any more. so 120 is fine. give me a call so that you can come get him. thanks" Only...
  5. Zoey

    I'm upset

    I wouldn't want to re-sell him, my BF said he wanted another one and now that we have our own place it wouldn't be so hard to have him back
  6. Zoey

    I'm upset

    I tried doing that, they've even flagged her down a good 4-5 times already
  7. Zoey

    I'm upset

    Thats what I am hoping I mean I know he's worth a lot of money. I've been emailing with her and might be able to get him back.
  8. Zoey

    I'm upset

    most of you know how we sold the chameleons seems we kept forgetting about them, well the person we sold him too, despite telling us they would sell him back if it didn't work out, is now selling him for $100 more than what they paid :( I'm trying to get him back, but I dunno if it will work...
  9. Zoey

    Its been a few months

    We used to have a few Veileds one had a huge cage but we had fake plants.
  10. Zoey

    Its been a few months

    I remembered the other day that we are supposed to be getting a Panther Chameleon in June (Not sure if the deal is still done or not, we have to check) But I have nothing to do so can you all refresh my memory of EVERYTHING I need. I know I need the 24X24X48 cage. But I've spaced...
  11. Zoey

    Closing eyes

    I agree with ChrisCarter on this. Mine would climb and hang under the heat lamo until we upgraded to a higher watt bulb for him. We also had to move branches closer to the light. Maybe try that?
  12. Zoey

    So now I have to buy...

    You could wait for a sale, or you could try Ebay? I'm not sure if they might have some posted on there. Or you could try your local :) Just a few ideas to compare to :) Good luck
  13. Zoey

    Jake the iguana turns 20 this year!

    Wow I forgot they lived so long :) He's a big boy and he looks spoiled, congrats on having him for so long.
  14. Zoey

    CBB Standingi Day Geckos

    They're so pretty. :) I always wanted a gecko, then we got a Tokay and it scared us both half to death. I don't think we'll be getting any ever again haha. I agree with LinkinParkRulez08 do you breed them?
  15. Zoey

    crickets for juvie

    being 4 months old, and listening to what SuperRed posted, I would say Small-Med depending on the size of the mouth and the other factors SuperRed posted.
  16. Zoey

    Sunday Herd Pics...

    I love your chameleons. :)
  17. Zoey

    So now I have to buy...

    Question. Why don't you take the time to build the cage? If not then the aluminum cages are best.
  18. Zoey

    hermit crabs anyone?

    Yeah they are pretty easy to take care of. For the salad, you can use what you have in the fridge. lettuce, spinach, carrots, celery, blueberries, strawberries, cucumbers, banana's. Just cut them up small and remember do not feed the crabs the pits of fruits or veggies I read somewhere that...
  19. Zoey

    hermit crabs anyone?

    Wow I just deleted a long email I sent someone on hermit crab care. But I have time to type it all again. Whatever sized tank you have, you should get an under tank heater, (anywhere from $6-$60 at petsmart) Just put that right under the outside bottom of the tank and adjust it to the...
  20. Zoey

    2 year old veiled

    I sold him last night
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