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  1. P

    fake plants

    Umbrella plant IS a dwarf sheflerra (arbicola) lol am I wrong?
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    fake plants

    lights If i remember correctly I got 6500k bulbs but they are really low lumens. They are "energy saver bulbs" and they do not work as well. Maybe without the thick mesh they would work. I would like to keep a few live plants, will try an umbrella plant, or maybe rotate sheflerras, but for...
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    fake plants

    any issues with fake plants I should know about? I'm so tired of buying new plants every few months and having the plants in the cage look like crap all the time. I blame the thick mesh and inexpensive CF bulbs I use but honestly I'm over it. Im not spending 80 dollars on light bulbs to...
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    Look at what chameleons do to us...

    <sigh> I was just 45 minutes late tonclass because I was so enamered by my chameleon yawning I had to sit and stare at home for a half hour before leaving lol
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    Oh man, my day is completely mad every morning when I turn on Smaug's light and within a few minutes he let's out a full body, body quivering yawn. Makes my day every time. Friggin adorable.
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    dubia breeding

    i suppose i can sell them to the local stores since no one has them around here
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    dubia breeding

    i think i only need like 10 females and two males. right? i only have one cham. I have some friends i can definitely come off of roaches too. (snakes chams tarantulas) but i really dont wanna have thousands with nothing to do with them
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    dubia breeding

    thank you! i actually just realized how many xxl roaches come with that i dont need that many lol
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    outside time

    i dont live in a very nice area lol so i doubt anyone is taking care of the neighborhood with pesticides and such.. I'd let him eat anything outside honestly
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    dubia breeding

    does this seem like a solid startup package for dubias? Starter Colony #2 8 egg flats 1 lbs roach chow 2 oz water crystals 5 Adult Female 5 Adult Males 1.25-1.5" (XXL) 75g (average count 60) 3/4" (M) 25g (average count 74) 3/8" (XS) 8g (average count 114) $50.0 shipped...
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    outside time

    I am thinking of setting up a small sheflerra on the windowsill by his cage just because he seemed to love looking around outside. This might be nice while its cold out. The glass would block all the u.v. rays but you would still get to see him in natural sunlight and take in all those...
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    outside time

    I was too nervous to put him on any of the plants or bushes outside even when I was there next to him. If a bird swooped down on him (he's just a baby) I would literally cry. I try to be very personal with him so outside time for now is on me. He walked down my pant leg onto my little porch...
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    outside time

    You can geek out around me anytime haha I know the feeling I have to shut my mouth constantly to my friends because i will talk for hours about animals in general its my passion for sure. I almost annoy myself with is sometimes lol.
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    Official Hello from me and mine

    those pics are him over the last month. they start with him the day I got him, a few days later(his first shed)(I had to handle him to do some things in his tank) and the last pic was his first time outside (today) he is growing so fast I am so happy, as when i was a child my cham got mbd and I...
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    Official Hello from me and mine

    edit* sorry delete plz mods im osrry i had a little trouble with the pics havnt posted pics on a forum in a while
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    Official Hello from me and mine

    omg! lol im fixing this one sec
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    Official Hello from me and mine

    edit edit edit edit
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