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  1. M

    (Grave) Digger

    Thank you for the responses! I hope she will be soon herself again.
  2. M

    (Grave) Digger

    Recently my female Veiled Cham has started to dig holes some are almost tunnel like. She isn't to hot (or to cold) average temp is around 80 to 85. I added extra deep players for her to dig but Im slightly worried as she cant be pregnant (there is no male around). When I try to pick her up from...
  3. M

    Mouth Breather?

    Oh, no she has a big Chameleon tank :) I just noticed she does it sometimes and was curious why. Again thank you all for being so helpful to this noob :)
  4. M

    Mouth Breather?

    I call mouth breeders certain ppl at walmart. lol Her temp is 87 degrees. She eat fine esp crickets and no sticky mucus. She must be regulating her temp as I have a large tank with one area only for basking and another for cooling of between a plant. Thnx allot for answering my question!
  5. M

    Mouth Breather?

    Can any one explain to me why my Veiled Chameleon sometimes sits with its mouth open? She isn't hungry just sits there calmly mouth half (sometimes all the way open).
  6. M

    Introduction to Common Chameleon Plants

    I found this a very interesting and very helpful read:
  7. M

    Won't eat anything but crickets..

    You might be able to buy smaller ones online.
  8. M

    Won't eat anything but crickets..

    I had the same problem with my veiled Cham Girl. She would only eat crickets I tried Wax and mealworms to no avail. I skipped a day of feeding and put out super (man) worms mixed with wax worms and she loves the the super worms! Just use a deep dish as they will crawl out and fly off ;)
  9. M

    Pothos plant

    I bought mine at Kroger today and they had them at Homedepot as well. You might wanne ask if they have them available.
  10. M

    Picky Veiled Chameleon

    I scored me some Super-(Man) worms and my Veiled Chameleon loves them! I think I bought wong Wax and Meal worms from Petco as they barely moved around. I also skipped one day of feeding him and he ate the Super worms like a little piggy. :)
  11. M

    Is it a male or female?

    She gets like that when not happy :) I figured by the picture send she is a female. Those pictures on this forum have being extremely helpful! Im so happy I found this forum.
  12. M

    Picky Veiled Chameleon

    As Olimpia so kindly pointed out to me "A male will have little nubs/spurs on his heels while a female will not." This is what I mean by a spur
  13. M

    Picky Veiled Chameleon

    I even tried the special mealworm feeder that hangs from the side. But she didn't care at all. I will try the roaches first altho my wife isn't very happy about it. I will post results here! Is your Cham a male or female? Have you asked the pet store where you bought him/her what they fed...
  14. M

    anyone else have a sweet cham?

    My veiled chameleon seems to like me from day one. When I went in the store she followed me around in the cage. A week later I bought her and the lady said she was grumpy. I helped her get him in his carrier without any trouble. Now funny enough she doesn't like my daughter at all! lol
  15. M

    Is it a male or female?

    I uploaded better pictures.
  16. M

    Is it a male or female?

    I would appreciate it if someone could tell me if my Veiled Chameleon is a boy or a girl and perhaps a estimated age. I took pictures as best as I could and hope they help.
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    Mr A Junior

  18. M

    Mr A Junior

    What site do you use to upload pictures here (and to show your profil pic?) I tried Facebook and photobucket both didnt work. :(
  19. M

    Picky Veiled Chameleon

    Thank you I will write it down and see if I can buy these at Petco/Petsmart or online from Ghann's.
  20. M

    Picky Veiled Chameleon

    I have a Veiled Chameleon (not sure about age or gender) and so far he only eats crickets (which was the only thing he has being fed in the store). I tried to have him eat mealworms and waxworms and banana, carrots, apple, greens. Any suggestion how I can get him interested in other foods?
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