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  1. Hadeesh

    Always Has Excess Saliva?

    Oh, and both of the vets I have brought him too were both cham owners, so I'm not sure what the deal is with that.
  2. Hadeesh

    Always Has Excess Saliva?

    Yeah, I only have used baytril, maybe it is time for a different route. I know it sounds mean, but I just don't want to take him to the vet again and have him still be sick after everything is said and done, and money is kind of tight right now. But I will try to get him in as soon as I can.
  3. Hadeesh

    Always Has Excess Saliva?

    Chameleon Info: Your Chameleon - Jacksons, Male, 1 Year Old. I have had him for about 6 months. Handling - I handle him only when necessary. I.e. cleaning, to give medicne Feeding - I feed him 4-6 Dubia Roaches a day. I gutload them with chicken feed. Supplements - I dust the dubias...
  4. Hadeesh

    Needle went in too far?!?

    Yes, I will start to do it this way. I imagine my vet told me to do it in the back because it is a bigger area for me to get, but I'd rather take my chances with a leg. And it is actually both I believe. I remember it being two different kinds, I just can't remember which (I have a terrible memory)
  5. Hadeesh

    Needle went in too far?!?

    I can't say exactly where I hit, but it was more toward the upper front of his back. I talked to a vet on here and she said it probably only found its way into an empty cavity in his body, which seems to be the case because he seems to be ok today. And also, none of the medication was injected...
  6. Hadeesh

    Needle went in too far?!?

    He just gave me them as a precaution if he has any thing else going on in him besides the parasite, only to be giving once every 72 hours. Any infection he may have is in the mouth. The main thing he gave me was an antiparasitic, which is for every day for two weeks. And thanks you for the...
  7. Hadeesh

    Needle went in too far?!?

  8. Hadeesh

    Needle went in too far?!?

    Oh and no medicine came out after the needle went in, I was too busy freaking out to push the plunger.
  9. Hadeesh

    Needle went in too far?!?

    Chameleon Info: Your Chameleon - Jacksons, Male, 1 Year Old. I have had him for about 6 months. Handling - I handle him only when necessary. I.e. cleaning, to give medicne Feeding - I feed him 4-6 Dubia Roaches a day. I gutload them with chicken feed. Supplements - I dust the dubias...
  10. Hadeesh

    Needle went in too far?!?

    So I am freaking out because I was trying to give my Jax a shot of antibiotic that the vet perscribed by injecting it underneath the skin on his upper back, and he moved around and the needle went in more straight than at an angle. The needle itself is about a half inch long, but it went in...
  11. Hadeesh

    Jacksons Acting Sick

    There is no formaldehyde, and I actually just starting feeding them the chicken feed today, so no transference would have happened yet.
  12. Hadeesh

    Jacksons Acting Sick

    Chameleon Info: Your Chameleon - Jacksons, Male, 1 Year Old. I have had him for about 6 months. Handling - I handle him only when necessary. I.e. cleaning, to give medicne Feeding - I feed him 4-6 Dubia Roaches a day. I gutload them with chicken feed. Supplements - I dust the dubias...
  13. Hadeesh

    How Stressed Is Too Stressed

    Thank you, and yes I do try and keep the handling to an absolute minimum, only when it is necessary. Other than him getting upset over the meds, as soon as I am done giving him them he snaps right back into his normal, active self.
  14. Hadeesh

    How Stressed Is Too Stressed

    Hello all, My Jacksons was recently diagnosed with parasites and I am too give him medicine by mouth for the next two weeks (off and on). I know giving him the meds stresses him out, but in the little time I take to give them, is that enough to cause damage down the road? So the main...
  15. Hadeesh

    Mouth Infection Questions

    After the first dose, doesnt seem to be much change. His mouth still looks swollen and he hasnt eaten. Still drinking fine though. Tomorrow is his next dose, ill stay updated.
  16. Hadeesh

    Mouth Infection Questions

    So for about a little under a week my Steve hasn't been eating a lot. I also noticed that he has had a bigger accumulation of saliva in his mouth. Today I brought him to the vet, and she said that he has a mouth infection. She prescribed me Baytril and sent me on my way. So my questions are...
  17. Hadeesh

    Weird Mouth / Tongue Thing

    Oh, and I have also cut back on the supplements via the caresheet, I forgot to update that.
  18. Hadeesh

    Weird Mouth / Tongue Thing

    Nah, it's just calcium. Has a picture of a gecko or somethin. But thanks, glad to know it probably isn't anything serious (:
  19. Hadeesh

    Weird Mouth / Tongue Thing

    Your Chameleon - Jacksons, Male, 6 months. In my care a month. Handling - Practically never. Feeding - Six or eight Crickets, @8-11am. Gutloaded crickets with flukers calcium diet and mustard greens Supplements - Zoo med Calcium Everday, Zoo med Multivitamin twice a month, Flukers Calcium d3...
  20. Hadeesh

    Weird Mouth / Tongue Thing

    So earlier today I was observing my Jackson, and out of no where he sort of did this thing where he open his mouth really wide and stuck his tongue out about an inch from his mouth. After that though he went back to doing normal chameleon stuff. Also, he hasn't been eating as much lately, today...
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