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  1. Bshouldis


    I'm also concerned with mine! (Sorry to jump on your post,new to the page having troubles figuring it out. But extremely worried about my veiled) I have a 5 month old veiled and he has been very strange, he just lays weak at the top. He won't go to his food dish and only eats when I hold him...
  2. Bshouldis


    Does this look like MBD??
  3. The Chameleon Keepers

    The Chameleon Keepers

  4. Bshouldis


    We use Flukers and Zilla and it's in the cricket keeper daily.
  5. Bshouldis


    This was a pic I got today
  6. Bshouldis


    Thank you, About Klooney.. He's a veiled Cham 5 months Got him at 3 months Handled roughly every 4 days We feed him, mealworms,crickets,fruit flies twice daily. For water we use a dripper, humidifier I haven't seen him drink as much but still does. Feces isn't tested (no exotic vet here)...
  7. Bshouldis


    I am new to this forum and having some difficulty on finding where to go, and how to post.
  8. Bshouldis


    Thank you! I will be getting a new uv bold tonight.
  9. Bshouldis


    My male veiled chameleon is 5 months old. . He is seemingly very weak. He does eat but only when I hold him. He won't go down to his feeding dish.. he always has water going and we have a humidifier. His feces looks normal and he doesn't have sunken on eyes.. I can't figure out what it could be...
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