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  1. C

    Other Reptile Species?

    Besides Zico,my Nosy Mitsio Juvenile male Panther,we also have...Loki the Crested Gecko,Izzy the Bearded Dragon & Kindra the Western Hognose.we also have 18 Tarantulas,1 African Pygmy Hedgehog,2 African Pygmy Dormice (aka micro squirrels),1 hamster,1 cat & a dog :)
  2. C

    Photos of my collection (dialup warning!)

    Beautiful pics.ty for sharing.could not decide which one I preferred the most :confused:
  3. C

    Can't seem to locate any umbrella or ficus plants

    Hi there,I would go for a 3ft (90cm).then if need be,prune some of the top,and maybe sides if they are to tall & wide.This is what I did with my Ficus & Umbrella :)
  4. C

    I need help

    :( I really am lost for words
  5. C

    jacksons chamelion rescue !!!help!!

    Hi there,I don't know much about the Jackson Chameleon,but I do know that your basking light should not be on 24/7...The chameleon needs a night time drop in temp..please look at the care resources,on the left hand side of the webpage.hopefully a more experienced forum member could tell you by...
  6. C

    Funny basking technique

    It's always best before getting any new exotic pet,to spend hours reading up on them.I will be getting my 6 month old Nosy Mitsio on Friday,which I can't wait for.i spent the last 2 months getting his enclosure set up & right.Spending many an hour reading threads on this forum & other websites...
  7. C

    How do Chameleons Change Color?

    Hi there,ty for linking that video.myself & my partner both enjoyed it :)
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