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  1. T

    First timer

    I did separate them but actually because my males health wasn't the best :/ could she be one of those crazy ex baby mommas? lol j.k
  2. T

    First timer

    My male and female live in the same tank..they have since I've owned them so I cant say 100% if they mated or if she just reached puberty(if that's even close to the right term lol) she is about 8mnths and my male 1yr I've been checking on the eggs and no more have dented..she lay a few on the...
  3. T

    sick veiled?

    thank you very much for all your help..we will have to go sun bathing till new vits. arrive..I really appreciate your time
  4. T

    sick veiled?

    thank you so much..we recently moved to TN so I will have to take advantage of all this sun and hope it helps on top of ordering different vitamins....He is my baby and I feel like the worst pet owner right now
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    sick veiled?

    He is about 1yr old and the calcium doesn't say that it contains d3.. do the dubias and crickets not contain d3?..I was just told about the bulb needed for proper digestion and the powder vitamins ..I feel horrible because I never bothered to research anymore as it seemed everything was going...
  6. T

    sick veiled?

    I've always just stuck with the exoterra calcium on most feedings and the multivitamin when changing food..which we were switching back and forth from crickets to dubias until I decided to stop crickets being a beginner owner e didn't know much and never had issues before
  7. T

    sick veiled?

    Chameleon Info: Your Chameleon - The species-veiled sex-male, and age of your chameleon-approx 1yr How long has it been in your care10 mnths Handling - How often do you handle your chameleon?- at least 2x a week Feeding - What are you feeding your cham? crickets or dubia roaches What amount...
  8. T

    sick veiled?

    we aren't sure why he lost his eye..the vet actually wasn't even swelled then pretty much exploded a bloody mess and has healed to a small white scar like area..we put him in a separate container to eat since its much harder for him to catch anything with one eye and then put him back...
  9. T

    sick veiled?

    My male veiled chameleon has been sluggish and a constant very pale light green..his environment hasn't changed aside from his companion laying eggs about two days ago.He hasn't been eating and will literally just lay stiff in the feeding container as dubias walk all over him.He lost one eye...
  10. T

    First timer

    My veiled laid eggs(25) for the first time after researching upon moving them to a sand filled ziploc container I noticed 2 were dented..the next day I checked on them and 2 more were dented a total of 4.They are being kept on a shelf at room temperature (70F-74F) I was just wondering if this is...
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