Baby Veiled Chameleons for Sale - Both males and females are currently available. The cost is $75 each. Available for Pickup (Armonk, NY) or Shipping (via FedEx Priority Overnight).
I have been keeping reptiles for over twenty years. I hatch and raise every baby Veiled Chameleon that I sell so...
Baby & Juvenile Veiled Chameleons for Sale - Both males and females are currently available. The cost is $60 each. Available for Pickup (Armonk, NY) or Shipping (via FedEx Priority Overnight). Bulk pricing is also available.
I have been keeping reptiles for over twenty years. I hatch and...
I opened 2. One was alive and. looked completely viable. It died within minutes. The other i think was alive but was a bit smaller. It never moved. Due to seeing these two, I thought maybe they needed some more time to brew. However, within next two weeks, they all shriveled up.
I have been keeping reptiles for over twenty years. I hatch and raise every baby Veiled Chameleon that I sell so I know they are healthy, well-adjusted and eating well. It is important to me that each baby Veiled Chameleon that I sell goes to a good home where it will be nurtured, appreciated...
The thing I find interesting though… Is that I keep all my egg Tupperware containers in the same place… Just stacked up. I had a 60 Egg batch hatch just before it with a 100% hatch rate. Batch before that was 30 eggs with 100% hatch rate. Then this one only 75% hatch rate.
Do you lay the eggs in rows separated by a space? No. What substrate do you use? Hatchrite Is it moist enough to produce condensation on the sides of the container? Yes Is the container in the darkness all the time or an opaque container? Opaque kept in open closet shelf
Whats the maximum...
I breed Veiled Chameleons and I don't use an incubator. Usually, it takes 10 months for the eggs to hatch. There are times when all the eggs in a batch will hatch and there are other times when only 3/4 of the eggs in a batch hatch and the rest just sit there, eventually shrivel up and need to...
Sorry...thought you were asking best way to ship...not best way for your to receive shipment delivery from a vendor. Will keep up prior posts anyway... can't hurt. :)
You can buy packaging (box, styrofoam insert, perforated container, heat pad/cooling pad) and can purchase FedEx... all directly through That is what I use.
Any chameleon should be shipped via Fedex Priority Overnight only. Find out when last package shipment goes out at your local FedEx office and ask them the latest recommended time for you to show up at the office to make that shipment. Usually, it is around 4-4:40pm. Most times (except after...
Veiled Chameleons. I'm fine whether it takes 8 or 10 months. The bigger issue for me is figuring out why there are times when a group of eggs doesn't hatch in a batch. Sometimes, 100% of the eggs in a batch will hatch within days of each other. There are other times when 3/4 of the eggs in a...
True, but how warm could the Room be? My room is between mid to high 70s to low 80s depending on time of year. In that temperature range my eggs take 10 months
Those were some major bulging eyes and Lots of poop. Maybe start feeding her a little bit less... smaller poops. Lotta folks think that if you feed too much… Could be adverse physical effects down the road.
I don’t use incubator. I use Hatchrite as egg substrate. I keep in closed Tupperware container. A slight amount of condensation should be visible inside container. Open container once every two weeks for a minute for air exchange. If after several months you don’t see condensation, add a...