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  1. Botfly

    Age Question

    Yes, I must add that picture was taken right when she got home. Not sure why, but the half-brown is completely gone. This is the only other picture I have of her right now, but the brown-ish has gone away, and is now green.
  2. Botfly

    Age Question

    Hey guys. I'm fairly new to Chameleons, and I was wondering how old exactly my new girl was. I have many, many books, but seem to blow right by the section of this because I still have no idea. Adults sure, but when it comes to the young I'm lost. Can anyone help me out? This is Grendyl. I...
  3. Botfly

    *Post Your Chameleons*

    I tell you. I could honestly look at pictures of Chameleons all day long.
  4. Botfly

    Favorite indoor plant for chameleons

    Pothos seems to be my main plant these days. Me-lady seems to really enjoy it, and I just love the overall look of the overgrown/vines hanging everywhere. Seems to be perfect in her setup right now.
  5. Botfly

    *Post Your Chameleons*

    These pictures are amazing. Never get tired of seeing any of these.
  6. Botfly

    Blue Bottle Flies

    haha! I have yet to feed my girl any flies. I really need too!!
  7. Botfly


    I absolutely love piercings and tattoos. I have a bunch, but here's my latest!
  8. Botfly

    R. brevicaudatus pictures

    Love the way these guys look. Strange because I actually just read a whole big thing about them. Very cool!
  9. Botfly

    Blue Bottle Flies

    Yeah, I actually browsed through a lot of the site, and she seems really, really great. Might have to drop a few dollars there! haha
  10. Botfly

    *Post Your Chameleons*

    Really amazing pictures all. Very nice. Here's my new girl: Grendyl
  11. Botfly

    Blue Bottle Flies is an amazing site. Never heard of that one. Thank you!!
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