R. brevicaudatus pictures

Brad Ramsey

Retired Moderator
Here are three pictures I just took.
These WC brevs have been here for almost 3 weeks now and are doing great.
This male is just beautiful (in my opinion ;))
These are (again) from Mike @ FLChams.

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I've always loved pygs. Too bad they have such a short lifespan. Are you breeding them?
Your male's got the same yellow-green eye turrets as mine from that same shipment (for all I know, all male brevs have that; I just haven't seen it in photos before). Very nice!
I have a question: How long should the babies be kept in care before allowing to be sold/rehomed? Are they instant self keepers?

(I ask because I came across someone selling some pretty much right out of the egg). Thanks!

and Brad, they look great! :) Im jealous!
Nice looking male. I just got a 1.2 as well. Going on 2 or 3 weeks. Did you get them from Reptiles First?

I have a 1.1 of kerstenii that seem to be doing okay and a cb female temporalis I would like to find a mate for.
Love the way these guys look. Strange because I actually just read a whole big thing about them. Very cool!
I have a question: How long should the babies be kept in care before allowing to be sold/rehomed? Are they instant self keepers?

(I ask because I came across someone selling some pretty much right out of the egg). Thanks!

and Brad, they look great! :) Im jealous!

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