I was cleaning my chams cage and she hissed at me and her teeth were kinda black the first thing my mind went to was she has mouth rot I'm posting this because I need to know if she does and how to treat it. (Please help me help her she's the only pet ive ever had.)
I was just wondering what basking lamp I should ask my mom to get, I live in Central texas and my house stays about 74 degrees through out the day. There is a 8.5 inch gap between the basking bulb and the branch.
Big update. Her eye has gone down by a lot and I think I found the problem, I think the problem was there was still water at the bottom of the cage, I drilled holes in it but I guess they weren't big enough. I fixed it to where it could drip so we are good
Are you using a red basking light because if you are you need to immediately swap that out with a white basking bulb and you shouldn't have it on at night