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  1. gneuz

    Honey Parson Baby

    Hi Cainschams=) in fact i wasn't speaking to you, was talking to morpheon, who seems to read a lot a french forum, where I usually post. Was a little joke on the admin name on that forum, no worries.^^
  2. gneuz

    Honey Parson Baby

    are you a blue lemon?
  3. gneuz

    sharing my little parsoni

    totaly agree with that...thinking the same about your globifer too, good luck with them=)
  4. gneuz

    Who am I?

    some pictures from this morning ^^
  5. gneuz

    Who am I?

    thank you very much=) Those eggs wasn't ours, a good friend give us a part of a clutch. In december 09 one of our female layed 18 eggs, and if all goes well, we should have others clutch in a few months Here's an X-ray from November 09.
  6. gneuz

    Who am I?

    sure, the temperatures vary from 17/20°(night and day)in winter from 20/25° in summer trying to not get under 16° and to keep bellow 27°, I'm not using incubator, as explained, eggs are in the same room as the animals, in a dark closet. edit: of course i'm speaking in Celsius =)
  7. gneuz

    Who am I?

    Hi Chris, it's a orange eyes. The purpose of this incubation was to try keeping eggs in an environment as close as possible as the parental environment. I've noticed that my orange eyes doesn't like cold winter. the whole process take exactly 2 years(mating was in july 08, laying in...
  8. gneuz

    Who am I?

    a quick update showing what's happening here=) eggs were layed on decembre 08, first baby appears this morning.
  9. gneuz

    some SWEET shots!

    Great shots and beautiful meller=)
  10. gneuz

    Who am I?

    Honestly, they're easy to keep, as long as you get some good animals, they need a lot of humidity and warm temperature all year long. realy easier than same size calumma, like nasuta or falax, for us at least.
  11. gneuz

    Who am I?

    Thank you very much, hoping that you're right=) some pictures of what we have at home right now(sory some of them are taged but i'm to lazy for researching the clean one=)) trying to show you that we dont only have "weird" animals =) thank you again
  12. gneuz

    Who am I?

    and the other one
  13. gneuz

    Who am I?

    Maybe like you said, there is a few different local, like C.P.Parsonii, but i dont think the weird one could be a C.O.ambreensesis, or a realy yong one. I've try to take some shots , trying to compare them.
  14. gneuz

    Who am I?

    i'll try to do that as soon as possible, my cam is not the bes but whit some effotr i can do it=) @reyesjoshuacruz 3 of them are about 2 years, and we have an old lady born in 2002
  15. gneuz

    Who am I?

    Hello all héhé, here come the confusion=) This animal was bought as a globifer, but head shape and global colors (as well as the dots on him)make me think about a young P. cristifer In comparaison with the other one, they're severals differences that make us wonder about. both...
  16. gneuz

    Who am I?

    Hello all=) new here, we need some advices about one of our calumma. We dont want to infuenxce so we are not gonna tell what we have suposly buy. Have some other pics from head and tails(and from the entire group,we suposed to have 2.2 of this specie but they are so many...
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