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Hello all=)

new here, we need some advices about one of our calumma.

We dont want to infuenxce so we are not gonna tell what we have suposly buy.

Have some other pics from head and tails(and from the entire group,we suposed to have 2.2 of this specie but they are so many difference betwen the 2 males) if you want to compare

thx you very much, and guess what? we're french =)


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Looks like a parsonii to me. I'm not familiar with any other species that looks even close to one. So I don't see the confusion.

Welcome to the site. That is a very nice animal.
Bonjour! Bienvenue!

My guess would be Calumma globifer.

Evidently the pics on adcham are a bad representation of this species. :confused: The one adult they picture looks frail compared to the one listed here and others I just saw on a google search.

The coloration on the body did have me wondering...but knowing parsonii have so many variations of color I went with it. :rolleyes:

As you know, with C. globifer it isn't as easy as rostral process=male and no prostral process=female like we would see in C. parsonii. I am hesitant to make a definitive guess on this animal's sex based on a single photo but I would initially lean toward male. Like I said, I'd like to see more photos of this animal in different coloration (display, stress, etc.) and I could very well be wrong. They are a little more difficult then some of the other Calumma species.

Hello all

héhé, here come the confusion=)

This animal was bought as a globifer, but head shape and global colors (as well as the dots on him)make me think about a young P. cristifer

In comparaison with the other one, they're severals differences that make us wonder about.

both animals have almost same size, but came from diferent breeders/importators.

edit: very nice pictures, for me there is no doubt both are males

In order of appartion:

male globifer

the one we are wondering about

and one of our lady.


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Can you post or email me ([email protected]) a photo that shows good detail of the legs? C. globifer have very prominent enlarged tubercle scales on the legs while the scales are much smaller in C. p. cristifer.

I think this is also a C. globifer but a photo of the arms would help make it definite.

Can you post or email me a photo that shows good detail of the legs?

i'll try to do that as soon as possible, my cam is not the bes but whit some effotr i can do it=)

@reyesjoshuacruz 3 of them are about 2 years, and we have an old lady born in 2002
Aren't there different color forms of C. globifer? Perhaps they are different, *cough* locales? C. ambreense?
Aren't there different color forms of C. globifer? Perhaps they are different, *cough* locales? C. ambreense?

Maybe like you said, there is a few different local, like C.P.Parsonii, but i dont think the weird one could be a C.O.ambreensesis, or a realy yong one.

I've try to take some shots , trying to compare them.


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and the other one


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Here are a few pictures a friend sent me a while back. Mark Ten Haggeler...I don't think he will mind.




I don't know what Mark thinks but the fisrt picture is not made or owned by Mark. I'm not that sure if the owner is happy his pictures are spread by Mark or posted on a forum. (not to blame you chris).

To me the animals also look like globifer!
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