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  1. dexxterbabyxx

    bottom of mesh reptarium..

    thank you everyone so much for your great ideas (:
  2. dexxterbabyxx

    bottom of mesh reptarium..

    I have a mesh reptarium, and I was wondering what is a better alternative to Zilla Terrarium liners. I know they are really bad with bacteria and all that good stuff but i've just been washing them and buying new ones which has gotten a bit pricey. I have heard of softray liners but i dont know...
  3. dexxterbabyxx

    piktures . more plants for dexter(:

    new ficus, hibiscus and another pothos.
  4. dexxterbabyxx

    What are your chameleons names?

    Dexter. like the showtime series.. idk if anyone knows it but yah. my friends wanted to name him waffle..?... or DaVinci. i considered Yoshi as in mario brothers .. but yah(:
  5. dexxterbabyxx

    pictures of dexter(:

    yah my fake plant is only there temporarilly but for the dirt problem try big stones that he cant move around the base of the plant/over the dirt. like ones people put at the bottom of fish bowls but big enough so he cant eat them obviously.
  6. dexxterbabyxx

    pictures of dexter(:

    yah i know i need more foliage like big time. and thats like only half the cage...i just havnt had the chance to go to home depot. but thank you i'll get that fixxed up
  7. dexxterbabyxx

    pictures of dexter(:

    he's about 4 months now. growing fast. i got him from flchams and they suggested this size cage. i know some ppl get smaller enclosers to begin with then a bigger one when they grow older but they said this was okay and that chameleons enjoy vertical space anyway.
  8. dexxterbabyxx

    pictures of dexter(:

    the cage is 2x2x4. i had vines in that picture that reached to the top of the cage from a pothos plant but hes gotten bigger and didnt want him to be stuggling to hang on to one little vine. i added a fake fig tree wich is providing more cover and stability until i purchase a ficus/hibiscus.
  9. dexxterbabyxx

    pictures of dexter(:

    haha thank you. his father was very brightly colored blue and yellow. i always make a point to feed him when i get him out so he gets to know that im not a threat.
  10. dexxterbabyxx

    pictures of dexter(:

    and he's cutee! mine does the same tealish color thing too but like randomly. when he's mad/scared he usually gets like black on top and bright green stripes
  11. dexxterbabyxx

    pictures of dexter(:

    yah i've read multiple stories about handling and suchh. it seems to very just by how tempermental they grow up to be but usually you can get them pretty friendly if you dont bother them constantly. (:
  12. dexxterbabyxx

    pictures of dexter(:

    yah i just got him so he's pretty stressed out. but he's starting to chill out more. if anyone else trys to touch him tho he just runs back up my arm ..haha, at least he knows its me.
  13. dexxterbabyxx

    pictures of dexter(:

  14. dexxterbabyxx

    ficus vs. hibiscus?

    thank you all soo much for the suggestions (: much apreciated
  15. dexxterbabyxx

    ficus vs. hibiscus?

    i have recently purchased a juvenile veiled chameleon and am looking for a main center plant for his encloser. i was originally considering a ficus tree but after reading on a website that their sap can be semi-toxic and can cause problems for chameleons, i considered a hibiscus. would a...
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