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  1. G

    Mean Veiled Chameleon?

    My Female used to "come out to play" every day but as she'e got older she hisses sometimes, i now wait for her to make a move towards me when i hand feed fruit and veg she will "when in the mood" walk straight onto my hand as this doesnt happen too often i make the most of it, but respect her...
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    FYI pics receptive vs gravid

    Great pics Hi, those are really informative pictures, but my Lizzy has not had the blue markings or the gravid markings but she was digging in the paper at the bottom of her enclosure so i placed a pot approx 9" across and 8" deep filled with damp play sand and she keeps digging, this has gone...
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    Super worms

    These are Moro worms and if you read the whole sentence you will see that it was an article i read but that i do gut load quite easily.
  4. G

    Super worms

    Keeping Superworms. They come in a layer of crushed cerial (looks like weetabix) which is bedding and their food, I place them in a plastic container (bait box) with air holes in the lid and this is stored in the cupboard beneath the vivarium. So far 0 deaths and no smells. Superb.
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    Super worms

    hi all, just thought i'd share my latest news on "Lizzies" favourite food. From the first day we got Lizzie (Yemen) she has been a picky eater and would often have a hunger strike even though i tried lots of different foods,crickets, meal worms, locust, and each of these were rejected at some...
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    Hunger strike over...

    Hi Kinyonga, She hasnt laid eggs and although i put a container down for her she still hasnt shown signs of laying. She is now eating approx 3 large crickets every other day and waxworms 3-4 per week. she has started to drink more since i fitted a dripper system which i think is more...
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    Hi all, Is it ok to feed my veiled maggots?
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    Screen enclosures and humidity levels

    Glass or screen enclosure Hi, I had the same dilemma as you and decided to put screen sliding doors on the front of my vivarium instead of the glass, this allows more ventilation but the humidity isnt affected as much as a full screen enclosure. Hope this helps. Paul.
  9. G

    Hunger strike over...

    Hi all, My female veiled chameleon has started to eat again but will only eat from a cup which is great as i can tell how much she is consuming (approx 4 large crickets a day) and that she is getting her supplements but she has no interest in free roaming insects of any type is this normal...
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    My Yemen wont eat

    What are the signs of a gravid female and would this make her go off her food?
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    My Yemen wont eat

    The humidity ranges between 50 and 70 %.I was feeding her 2 times a day before and she would eat 3-4 crickets each feed. I also wondered what age she may become gravid? Thanks.
  12. G

    My Yemen wont eat

    Hi everyone, i have a female chameleon of approx 9 months old which i have had for 3 months,her enclosure is a glass fronted unit 36"h x 24" square with a 70 watt heat lamp set to 84 deg and a uv sun tube. she stopped eating and i was told to take all food out of the viv for 2 days and that...
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