Hunger strike over...


New Member
Hi all, My female veiled chameleon has started to eat again but will only eat from a cup which is great as i can tell how much she is consuming (approx 4 large crickets a day) and that she is getting her supplements but she has no interest in free roaming insects of any type is this normal?
She also comes to my hand when she wants to come out of the viv (couple of times a week) which is good because it is her choice.
I looked at the other thread you didn't answer the questions I asked. I hope that she didn't need to lay eggs and is now past the time when she could have.
Hi Kinyonga,
She hasnt laid eggs and although i put a container down for her she still hasnt shown signs of laying.
She is now eating approx 3 large crickets every other day and waxworms 3-4 per week. she has started to drink more since i fitted a dripper system which i think is more successful than the water feature that i had before.
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