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  1. comtec101

    Prolapse during lay cycle..Back from vet..

    bump. any ideas on what to do here? Would it be a bad idea to let her dig her hole to lay her clutch? Still no sign of feces but urates are definitely coming out in small bits.
  2. comtec101

    Prolapse during lay cycle..Back from vet..

    keep in mind I havent seen anything but eggs since the vet 5 days ago. (no feces or urates)
  3. comtec101

    Prolapse during lay cycle..Back from vet..

    Yeah after some research im also convinced of this. I just need to get through this so I can work on a better diet schedule and feeding. Would you suggest I put her in an egg laying bin or wait for awhile until shes off the antibiotics.
  4. comtec101

    Prolapse during lay cycle..Back from vet..

    She usually lays between 60-75 eggs. So far in this cycle she has dropped maybe 8 total in her cage since the prolapse, not all at the same time. No male involved. She usually lays eggs every 3.5 - 4 months..
  5. comtec101

    Prolapse during lay cycle..Back from vet..

    Also, as far as her urates..I havent seen any since the vet as well. Possibly some white spots that could have squirted out but definitely not in the form its supposed to and unsure if its old or recent.
  6. comtec101

    Prolapse during lay cycle..Back from vet..

    Chameleon Info: Your Chameleon - Veiled / 1.5 yrs old / Female / Got from petsmart at age 3 months Handling - Lately a bunch giving antibiotics and taking to vet but usually once a week. Feeding - 10-15 large crickets every 2 days, a couple superworms every 2 days (when not feeding...
  7. comtec101

    Is my cham getting enough water?

    I can do this after I get back from some errands. Be back in a couple hours.
  8. comtec101

    Is my cham getting enough water?

    Chameleon Info: Your Chameleon - Veiled. Not 100% on age but I think around 4 months. Handling - 2-3 times weekly Feeding - Crickets, superworms, waxworms, butterworms, silk worms. Crickets daily (9-10 half inch). Either a few micro superworms or 1 waxworm/butterworm/silk worm as a snack...
  9. comtec101

    Is my cham getting enough water?

    I also dont think shes rubbing it at all. I work from home some days and I sit at my computer with her at the corner of my eye almost all day. I dont see any interesting behaviors. Never seen her drink out of the dripper before. I also feed her about 9-10 .5" crickets a day and some very small...
  10. comtec101

    Is my cham getting enough water?

    I use the suggested reptisun 5.0 uvb linear 18 inch tube and it sits on top of the screen enclosure diagonally. Basking temps stay at 84 degrees. I use 2 ficus plants. Humidity levels between 30-60 percent
  11. comtec101

    Is my cham getting enough water?

    also notice difference in my avatar picture compared to her eyes now
  12. comtec101

    Is my cham getting enough water?

    Her urates are white with orange tip but her eyes seem to be really sunken in compared to other veileds I see around her age. She is around 5 months, I spray 3 times daily for 3 minutes each. I also have the little dripper running at about a drip per second. Could there be other causes for...
  13. comtec101

    Excessive eating. Maybe not enough drinking. (Pics)

    thanks everyone. my questions were answered
  14. comtec101

    Excessive eating. Maybe not enough drinking. (Pics)

    ok now this is the first time ive seen her go to the bare bottom of the cage. She climbed to the bottom and is facing a corner while trying to constantly climb it (though she cant). maybe she wants out? lol
  15. comtec101

    Excessive eating. Maybe not enough drinking. (Pics)

    she never goes down to the bare bottom. But she is always wandering around really low on the ficus plant or the vines I have down there
  16. comtec101

    Excessive eating. Maybe not enough drinking. (Pics)

    Good deal. Also, she is still pretty tiny and young. Will I have to worry about her laying eggs in the near future (within 2 weeks). Or is it not even a possibility that young. After a week ill have the new terrarium and then ill put down a tubaware with playing sand. Reason I ask is it was just...
  17. comtec101

    Excessive eating. Maybe not enough drinking. (Pics)

    ive only seen 2 urates since I got her. One was very white, the other was white with a little orange.
  18. comtec101

    Excessive eating. Maybe not enough drinking. (Pics)

    All of you are probably are getting tired of all my posts ;) Ive had my new baby female veiled for about 2 weeks now. Her cage is right next to my computer so I watch her often and in the 2 weeks ive had her I still have yet to see her drink water. Right now I have a ficus plant inside the...
  19. comtec101

    Just got paid...Need advice before I buy a bunch of things.

    Just placed an order for a bunch of stuff. The only 2 things im missing that I need right away is silkworms (not need right away but I would like to vary the diet) and also a laying place for when she lays eggs. Does anyone have recommended places/sites for these 2 things?
  20. comtec101

    Just got paid...Need advice before I buy a bunch of things.

    awesome! thanks so much guys
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