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no cham deaths. but i tell a few sad stories. I had got my first iguana. it was a girl with MBD. she was so sweet and the most beautiful green. her name was jubjub. i took her outside everyday (i was like 10) and let her eat. one day a kitty kitty snuck up behind me and attacked. it was either her or the kitty. i grabed the cat and jubjub ran into the wood. i lived in okinawa so she may still be alive. the temps are just right for her and there pleanty to eat. i like to think thats what happend. i was compleaty upset and i bought a new iguana. iggy. it was a male. i picked the worst looking male. he was compleatly black and sooo mean! i had him 4years and fed him a good diet and dusted with calcuim spray everyday(i had no forums and figured this out on my own) i took gr8 care of him! he was like a puppy! we'd go for walks together and go to the beach allll the time. he'd go swim with me and run on the beach on 2 legs when he got fast enough. he died later that year. his mouth began to rot and his eye got big. i knew it was parasites and took him to the vet. he gave me TOPICAL meds to treat the symptoms not the problem(and yeah he was an "exotic") i was so mad. i could hardly look at iggy anymore because it just broke my heart. i came home one day after giveing cupcakes to a jap woman who let me pet her goats. i should have been home for him. he was dead. i remember it was the most terrible thing that haa ever happend to me. iv never lost someone i loved before and i truley loved iggy. i told him everything. i screamed and cryed and was depressed for mnths. RIP i love you iggy. (sometimes there just nothing you can do). thats him when he was young(ish). he free roamed my room. we later moved to a nicer house and i put in a hudgee cage. he missed my room tho.