1st time free ranging...

Just put my Cham on a free range for the first time yesterday. Was reading in my room, he made 3 escape attempts in 10 minutes before I gave up and put him back into his enclosure. Any ideas?
We have a 16 ft by 16 ft greenhouse that is 10 ft tall. We have been taking the panthers out there for a free range for the last few months( one at a time). They seem to really like roaming around but it seems like they find a favorite basking spot & end up there. If there is no basking spot where you are letting him roam it might be that is what he is looking for.
Just put my Cham on a free range for the first time yesterday. Was reading in my room, he made 3 escape attempts in 10 minutes before I gave up and put him back into his enclosure. Any ideas?
Try suspending it off the ground by hanging in from the ceiling or use hanging plants. Then they simply can't get off. Works like a charm. And they feel much better being higher up.
Just put my Cham on a free range for the first time yesterday. Was reading in my room, he made 3 escape attempts in 10 minutes before I gave up and put him back into his enclosure. Any ideas?

I pruned my free range setup as a topiary for this reason - to discourage escape attempts. I believe the lack of branches on the lower half of the tree keeps the Chameleon up in the top half of the tree.

They'd still be able to shimmy down the trunks with ease if you turn your back! Lol Sneaky lil S.O.B.s

Ahh... Yes, I neglected to mention the firey moat I put at the bottom. :ROFLMAO:

On a slightly more serious note, I certainly don't think it's impossible for a Chameleon to climb down from the canopy. However, the lack of cover (i.e. leaves) and secure footholds (i.e. branches) on the bottom ~1/2 of the tree really seems to discourage my Chameleon from even trying.

It's probably situational though... My Chameleon is still pretty young, which I'm guessing means he's still somewhat limited in his climbing abilities. Plus, he only free ranges while I'm cleaning and/or rearranging his enclosure. So, there isn't really much time for exploration.

That said, I'll continue to make sure he's supervised while free ranging. (y)
Ahh... Yes, I neglected to mention the firey moat I put at the bottom. :ROFLMAO:

On a slightly more serious note, I certainly don't think it's impossible for a Chameleon to climb down from the canopy. However, the lack of cover (i.e. leaves) and secure footholds (i.e. branches) on the bottom ~1/2 of the tree really seems to discourage my Chameleon from even trying.

It's probably situational though... My Chameleon is still pretty young, which I'm guessing means he's still somewhat limited in his climbing abilities. Plus, he only free ranges while I'm cleaning and/or rearranging his enclosure. So, there isn't really much time for exploration.

That said, I'll continue to make sure he's supervised while free ranging. (y)
A moat? Nice! Hahaha yeah when he get's older he'll be cruising for ladies. Good deal tho! I'm sure he enjoys is his massive tree!
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