1st time owner, new baby


New Member
I have wanted a cham for years, ever since I visited a lab at Virginia Tech doing research on chameleon fetal development. I was totally floored by their specimens, had no idea they were so charismatic and physically impressive.
I decided to go with Screameleons, then found out that they are located less than 10 minutes from me. Vince answered all of my questions over the phone, then met me at a nearby parking lot with two 3 month male Sambavas to choose from. I knew I'd picked the right breeder when I saw how Vince acted with the animals. He seemed reluctant to give it up.
I got the "Ultimate Setup Kit" along with the cham, and he seems to acclimating great. He's eating, drinking, exploring, and shedding, all on day 2. I have one pic to share, I'm trying to leave him alone as much as possible. I've owned a lot of herps, but never one as alert and aware of its surroundings. I feel guilty just looking in the cage because I know I'm bothering him.
I did a lot of research here on the site before my purchase, you guys do a great job and put together one of the best specific herp websites I've seen. Thanks!


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a big congrats on getting the chameleon, and a warm welcome for joining this forum.
what a nice looking boy you got there. :D

if you have any questions in the future, this is the best place to get the ansers you need.

Hi, and welcome to the addiction! I also have a Sambava male! I think they are one of my favorites - a beautiful too! Enjoy!
Welcome to the forum, you may soon find you spend a lot of time here. We all do.:D Glad you are joining us.
Hey! nice looking guy! Who is his sire? I was leaning towards the sambava's too, but got a blue barred this time around. If the folks on the site are right, I'll own another one in a few months. Got my guy last thursday, and was very surprised to see the shed already.
welcome to the forums bud! Nice looking sambava you got there! They are very addicting!
Am I missing something or is the cham lacking a tail ? Maybe its the pic, maybe the species? Curious. Solid looking little lizard.
Welcome ;)
Hey all,
thanks for all the response and feedback (and the links, the more you learn about these guys the more more you want to learn). I'll try to answer all of the questions that came up. My guy (no name yet, waiting for inspiration to strike) is 3 months, about 3 inches svl, and yes he has a tail (it's hidden behind leaves in the pic). I believe his sire was from the "Sam" lineage, Screameleons has some pics up if you look at the "available" section. One question, I noticed he didn't eat his shed skin like other herps I've owned. Should I remove it from the enclosure or just let it sit?
Welcome! Beautiful boy you have, congrats. :)

As for the skin, geckos I believe are the only herps to eat their skin, so just pick it out of enclosure.
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