4month old Panther.. hardly any color? normal?

The crickets shouldn't be wider (across the abdomen from left to right, not from the head to the butt) than the space between the eye because of a choking hazard (and larger crickets will do more damage if they nibble him.) I would try for smaller crickets if you can since these sound really big. It would be terrible if he choked on one when you weren't around to pull it out. Since he is small, feed as much as he will eat in about 5 minutes, once or twice a day (at least 3-4 hours before lights out so he can bask and digest the food.) You might also want to look into pheonix worms, small superworms, small silkworms, small hornworms, small butterworms, and newly hatched mantids. Most of these can be bought from mulberry farms.
The crickets shouldn't be wider (across the abdomen from left to right, not from the head to the butt) than the space between the eye because of a choking hazard (and larger crickets will do more damage if they nibble him.) I would try for smaller crickets if you can since these sound really big. It would be terrible if he choked on one when you weren't around to pull it out. Since he is small, feed as much as he will eat in about 5 minutes, once or twice a day (at least 3-4 hours before lights out so he can bask and digest the food.) You might also want to look into pheonix worms, small superworms, small silkworms, small hornworms, small butterworms, and newly hatched mantids. Most of these can be bought from mulberry farms.

oh no.. i was talking length! not width.. lol. i always thought that was what they meant by that. now i feel dumb.. lol. long ways they are about from one of his eyes to the other.. from left to right they are about the space between his eyes or smaller. and yes i do want to get these new feeders.. I HATE CRICKETS AND ROACHES.. i prefer worms because i dont mind touching them, and mantids wouldnt bother me either.. but my local petstore does not sell them, and i dont really understand how to buy online and house them. because from what i understand, when you buy online, you buy alot.. is this correct?
You dont have to buy a lot. With feeders like pheonix worms, silkworms, butterworms, and hornworms you can get 50 or less at a time from mulberry farms. The pheonix worms can be kept cool so they dont grow much, and the butters can be put in the fridge for months. The silkworms and hornworms have to be fed off faster though (especially hornworms.) However, the soft worms can be a little bigger than the space between his eyes because they are softer and squish when chewed. Superworms last forever and hardly grow when kept cool so even if you buy 250-500 it's not that bad (and you can warm them up as he grows so they get bigger too.) Mantids oothecae (egg cases) can be purchased and put in the fridge until you want them to hatch. The Chinese mantid ooths hatch a lot of babies, but they are really cheap, so if some die/dont get eaten it's not much of a loss.
I posted this thread a while back ago... Frank is now 5 and a half months old.. sometimes hes green... but not really... I know he is a boy for sure now because his tail base is really thickenning now and its pretty obvious... so Im not gunna lie... i see all your guys' pics of your baby chams and it makes me a little jealous... lol.. could it be that he is not happy all the time??? like if i take him out to the sun he turns all types of colors, but on a daily basis he decides to be brown... with a little green.. any thoughts?? i will post a pic in one sec..


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I posted this thread a while back ago... Frank is now 5 and a half months old.. sometimes hes green... but not really... I know he is a boy for sure now because his tail base is really thickenning now and its pretty obvious... so Im not gunna lie... i see all your guys' pics of your baby chams and it makes me a little jealous... lol.. could it be that he is not happy all the time??? like if i take him out to the sun he turns all types of colors, but on a daily basis he decides to be brown... with a little green.. any thoughts?? i will post a pic in one sec..

My baby cham was a colorless grey for months and months. He started to color up very slowly. Be patient and enjoy him being a baby. They grow up fast and he WILL color up. My panther was well over a year before his colors really started coming in! Look at my photo albums if you'd like. You will see how looooong he was a drab brown / grey. But you've got to love him for so much more than his colors!

Thanks guys.. I will be looking at that blog by Olimpia!! but its not that i love him less... im just so darn ANXIOUS!!! lol... what do you guys mean about him being a baby though? do they act different once theyre grown? my baby has been really shy since i got him.. eventually i just stopped messing with him. he absolutely HATES hands in his cage or trying to touch him..
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