$60 EASY wicked cool disign screen cage

Ambilobe Guy

New Member
Hi I make my own chameleon cages. I have found a super cheap and reliable way to make one for yourself. Supplies needed. 1.roll of black aluminum screen from canadian tire or other supply stores. 2. 8-10 foot 2x4's. and a staple gun and lots of staples. Take a electric saw and rip the 2x4's into 1 1/8" lengths. ANGLES FOR CUTS BEING ADDED SOON. take the 1 1/8" lengths and cut 10 pieces at 16" with the angles at both ends. then cut 2 at 18" with angles.The 18" will be at the front for larger door. then cut 6 pieces at 3feet without angles. These are the wall studs. Door hight length optional to what you want. Once it is all put togeather take the screen and staple it tight on the inside. Then staple screen to the bottom. I put mine in a tiny bit so if he falls he can bounce and will have much less chance of being harmed. Then take your plants/ect and put them in while the top is still open. Set everything up how you want it inside. Then screen the top shut and set up ur lights on top. Here are my pictures.
I didnt even realize it was a hex! Thats cool. I want a large one but 2 cages side by side.. Im gonna pass this onto my hubby. Thanks.
I am curently working on the same thing(side by side) I want to make a devider that comes out for breeding. I made another smaller one for my babies. It is more of a oval tiamond shape.
Here is my Baby veilds (lillith & Luci) cage next to my red barred ambilobe (Alastair) cage. His is the bigger one. He loves that cage. First pic is my smaller cage.
I forgot what kind it is LOL. I will have to ask the person who gave it too me. But it is non toxic. He loves climbin in it
it was $40 for the screen. And that was enough for 2 cages. And the wood I already had. But it would be under $50 especialy if you have some clean 2x4 around
Those are pretty darn cool looking. I'm not one for homebuilt cages but the design is very cool on those. Great build!:)

btw... I would place a divider between the cages to keep the stress levels to a min. The sight of another cham could cause an issue.;)
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