A little chin rub

Why do I need a vet to prescribe a liquid oral calcium? Can't I just get gluconate or sandoz at a pharmacy?
What you need more than injections, though a vitamin d injection can always start you on the right path, is a liquid oral calcium solution prescribed by a vet.

@Weebo When did the vet look at her? What did the vet say about the severe limb deviations?

Was this a vet that has any experience with reptiles?

You need a vet to monitor the progression/resolution of MBD. If your vet can't even recognize grossly deformed legs, I would not trust them to treat MBD.

You can stop the heart with an overdose of calcium and the kind of liquid calcium you will get from the vet is very easily absorbed so you absolutely need a vet to monitor the amount you are giving.

MBD has many causes, not just unsufficient calcium or Vitamin D. It is a complex disease process and life threatening for a female veiled.
Correct me if I'm wrong but oral calcium is not an item you need a prescription for. You can get it at any pharmacy. I have oral syringes from when she had parasites medicine and the dosage for liquid calcium is accessible online. Don't remember off top of my head but it's based on weight of the reptile.
As jajeanpierre said earlier, calcium is a medication that if given at too high of a dose or too quickly can cause the heart to stop, which is why several people are recommending that a vet prescribes it to you and gives you not only the proper dose but also the proper concentration. That would be my suggestion to you as well, just to be on the safe side.
Here's another pic of her front left leg. I know temp is low 70s but this is first thing in the morning basking light just turned on


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And here's her right side. I know it's hard to see with the mesh I'll get a better pic tomorrow


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Just curious, are you using a red night light? It looks like it in the last 2 pics. If you are using them at night it is not needed and will do more harm than good.
Not that's a 60 watt basking light that only comes on during the day for 12 hours. It's not a night light either
Oh yea? What wattage? And that provides enough heat? I figured a reptile basking light would provide better heat for basking spot. I also use a T5 fluorescent tube light in a dual fixture with my UVB bulb
For me a 60 watt will provide the right basking temp, but depending on the distance some may need a 75 or more. I like the spectrum of light that is provided also. I feel the red doesn't add any value to the chameleon's lighting needs. Just my opinion though.
Yea I agree with the lighting. That's why I also went with the T5 fluorescent tube light. It provides great lighting and I'm sure some heat as well. While I have the red basking light in an isolated corner of the cage
Why do I need a vet to prescribe a liquid oral calcium? Can't I just get gluconate or sandoz at a pharmacy?

The disease process is very complicated.

"Metabolic Bone Disease is not a single disease entity, but rather a term used to describe a collection of medical disorders that affect the integrity and function of bones." (Mader, Reptile Medicine and Surgery, Second Edition)

MBD can be nutritional (Nutritional Secondary Hyperparathyroidism) or renal in nature. You need to know if just increasing UVB, Vitamin D and calcium will solve the problem or if it is caused by kidney failure (Renal Secondary Hyperparathyroidism).

Regardless, you really need a vet to help this animal with Vitamin D shots and possibly calcium shots.

The leg bones are bent because the bones are not strong enough to support the animal and they are collapsing and crushing. You cannot tell the damage just by looking on the outside. Sometimes their spines also collapse and crush. Bone is not static--it is constantly being replaced. When the break down of bones is faster than the new bone being laid down, you end up with MBD. You need a vet to tease out why this is happening and you need extra support from a knowledgeable vet.

Added to the mix is that you have a female who will lay eggs. The actual process of egg laying--the muscles forcing eggs out of the body--consumes a tremendous amount of calcium. Producing eggs uses up a lot of calcium. She is already in a state of depleting her skeleton of calcium just to function. It will only get worse.

You need a vet.
Ok. Yea when I first got her I wasn't dusting her food I was only gut loading. I didn't learn until after I needed to dust everyday. Now I obviously dust daily with calcium without D3. Then the calcium with D3 and the multivitamin twice a month. So I'm guessing this is from a calcium deficiency
Couple more pictures of her front legs I just took


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Technically if you have a good and varied gutload and daily diet for your feeders, and a wide range of different types of feeders, along with a good uvb source, there is a good possibility a healthy chameleon would never need to be supplemented (though with females I would likely still supplement during the laying season). However I never ever suggest doing this with veileds bought from Petco stores or if you know nothing about their line. Panthers I would be more lenient toward and almost all montanes fall into the category of possibly going without supplementation if the situations are correct. Veileds from pet stores or unreputable breeders I automatically assume are unhealthy, because if their mother wasn't taken care of they are born unhealthy pretty much.
Ok. Yea when I first got her I wasn't dusting her food I was only gut loading. I didn't learn until after I needed to dust everyday. Now I obviously dust daily with calcium without D3. Then the calcium with D3 and the multivitamin twice a month. So I'm guessing this is from a calcium deficiency

What are you doing for UVB? How old is the bulb?
At first it was coil. About a month ago I bought a dual T5 fixture from lightmyreptiles.com. Arcadia 6% UVB and a 6.5K
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