A neat, compact, LED/T5UV unit by ZooMed (yep)

Doc is correct on the cords.

jp - The red LEDs for supplemental growth are tiny, they may have some benefit but I see them more as a mild color popper for the plants. They’re only 1/2 watt each.
Same with the blues, supplemental at 1/2w each.
Levels are so low they’re more there to say they’re there.
The whites are only 1w each, but with 16 its adequate for the enclosure.
I have the wole LED system on one timer (as it is all on the same cord), so all lights are out at night.

Caz - Im new as well. Its just that I’ve been wxperimenting for a few weeks and picking up some experience.
The regulars here know a lot more than I do, so ignore me and listen to them if on the fence.
This light is not my only light, as you’re correct and there is no real heat. This light sits over the cage with the T5 portion midline for largest UV coverage area.
Above his basking area I still have a small dome with a 50w basking bulb, which gives him a temp of 82-83 on the branch 9-10” below.
Nice to meet you. There’s a lot to learn with these little guys, but I’m trying to soak in all I can…with my bad memory and all (so I go over it and over it and over it).😅 Thanks for all the help.
Hey, i seen you use the joshs frogs t5 hoods. I was actually looking at these for my nursery cages. But there's not a any feedback on how well they do. I know the big thing with the hoods is the reflector. Just wondering if you had any feedback on how well they work, especially compared to arcadia? Thank you.
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