Acuminatus babies hatching please help!!


New Member
Hi everyone
I checked on my 2nd clutch of eggs around 3hrs ago nothing was happening, so have just checked again & to my surprise have found a baby asleep on a twig, ive checked the other eggs there are 5 in total 2 havnt started hatching yet but the other 2 have they are really worrying me 1 has his nose out there is a nice split in the shell but the other has his head & shoulders out but isnt moving his mouth is very slightly open there was a tiny piece of dirt on his tongue so I gently wiped it away with a moist cotton bud, I know they have to rest as its exausting for them but is it normal to see no movement at all should I gently ease him out?
Please can anyone help!
Thanks Heatherxxx
If he has his head & shoulders out then it is ok for you to very carefully help him the rest of the way out. Keep in mind he may not be out because he is too weak to survive. I hope that is not what is happening but just be ready. Good luck and congratulations.:):):)
I would let nature take it's course. From all of the stories I've read most of the time when a baby is helped out of the egg it dies from complications later on. :(

Best of luck.
Thanks everyone, I decided to help the one that was most out of his egg he wasnt stuck at all & looked fine sadly it wasnt to be thou, also the other one didnt make it either again looked ok apart from both being 4mm smaller than my first hatchlings from my first clutch. Am trying to stay positive as the other 2eggs still look good & the little baby that did make it is very active & alert.
Thanks again Heatherxxx
Ive got in from work tonight to find my remaining 2 eggs have hatched they are a much better size Im so relieved (over the moon):):) so I now have 3 little babies from this clutch! Fingers crossed they will do well.
Lynda & Laurie Im sorry but you will have to wait for pics dont want to temp fait just yet. You will have to look at my other pics of my first clutch on my previous thread!;) Will hopefully get some for you next week.:)
Thanks so much Heatherxxx;)
Congratz on the ones that survived! Dwarfs chameleons aren't the easiest species. Acuminatus is one of my favorites, i'm dieing to see pictures!
Thanks Esther, the 2 that died were preety small thankfully the 2 that hatched tonight are a much better size. Do you think this was because it was a preety large clutch of 5? Hope you & all your chams are well? Heatherxxx
5 is a pretty large clutch indeed, it might be possible that those 2 eggs were less developed than the others or maybe they just hatched a little to soon. I wouldn't know, in my opinion temperatures play a role to sometimes. Animals hatched on lower temperatures get more time to develope and animals that hatched to soon by using higher temperatures can be weaker, but that's just my point of view.

I have no idea how my animas are doing, at this moment I'm in Romania for treatments for my rheumatism. Tom is taking care of my quadricornis and my other cham is taken care of by my room mate.
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