Hey ChamForums Community,
I'm writing because after searching previous threads, there seem to be conflicting opinions on placing chameleons in adjoining cages. My living room has a large window that receives most of the room's sunlight, so I've arranged my two cham cages next to each other against it, with about 2" between them. My female veiled is in a 2'x2'x4' enclosure and my new ~4mo panther is in an adjoining 16"x16"x24" (..for now..). I've certainly seen long rows of adjacent cages, sometimes even sharing vegetation, online in the "Enclosures" section and on breeder websites. Does this have an effect on the cham's stress levels? Can this impact their health?
Ignore the brunette in the photograph. That's my girlfriend staring at de Nó.
I'm writing because after searching previous threads, there seem to be conflicting opinions on placing chameleons in adjoining cages. My living room has a large window that receives most of the room's sunlight, so I've arranged my two cham cages next to each other against it, with about 2" between them. My female veiled is in a 2'x2'x4' enclosure and my new ~4mo panther is in an adjoining 16"x16"x24" (..for now..). I've certainly seen long rows of adjacent cages, sometimes even sharing vegetation, online in the "Enclosures" section and on breeder websites. Does this have an effect on the cham's stress levels? Can this impact their health?
Ignore the brunette in the photograph. That's my girlfriend staring at de Nó.