Administering Reptiaid


New Member
I bought some Reptiaid for my guys. While they seem to be in good health, I figured it might be a good idea to administer it a couple times a year to be proactive. I have some syringes that I no longer need. Has anyone tried injecting feeders with meds to make it less traumatic for their cham's?
Maybe would work on silkworm, hornedworm, or superworm. They could probably survive it long enough to still be moving to be eaten. I wouldn't start of with too much, work your way up the dosing. That way you'll know what is TOO much. imagine a crix or roach wouldn't last too long, unless you dehydrated them first, even then sounds iffy. But what do i know, i have never tried it. I am not sure about using the reptaid though, as i have never had to use it. Back in the day when i managed pet stores, i use to taste all the 'vitamin' stuff that came in. Most back then was just colored water, a rip off. Don't know about todays products. I was once paid $100 to eat a new product called pig ears for dogs back in the early 90's, that is commiment to your pets. Good luck with whatever you choose.
So, I just went ahead and did it. I found that hornworms don't work well because all of the fluid oozes/squirts out on the first bite. However, dubias work great! The exoskeleton holds the the medication nicely when injected into the abdomen with a syringe. A medium/large dubia can hold about .2ml. If one dubia is too small to hold the entire dose, I assume it could be split between multiple feeders. I hope this helps those who have lizards who are less than enthusiastic about taking their meds.
LOL to JungleFries!

This is a great idea...When I gave it to my chameleon I literally had to hold him and force it in...Wasting about half everytime...
I forgot how the hornedworms exploded. Sorry, should have warned to use a little less. Messed up with ped joke, also. Should have said cham would fail test. I can't do anything right today.
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