

Looking for a rough age guess on my lil guy. Pics attached.


  • 20151231_165927.jpg
    121.3 KB · Views: 157
Welcome to the Forums!! He's a little guy. I would guess maybe 2-3 months old. Leaning more towards 2 than 3. I'm sure @jannb will see this and give you a really good estimate. Great looking little one though!!
Welcome to the forums! Congrats on your new little cutie. Your chameleon is quite young and from the size of the casque I'd say between one and two months old. The males have little bumps on the heels of both back feet so I would check there to make sure you have a boy. I have a blog for new keepers I'll attach for you below so you can make sure you get this little one off to the right start.
Morning ... thanks for the reply. I didn't think he easy that young. I thought they wouldn't sell them before 3 months old so they would be really healthy. I thought forsure he was at 3 months. He is a boy I know this, I did know to look for the numb before bringing him home :)

I'll check out your link forsure
Morning ... thanks for the reply. I didn't think he easy that young. I thought they wouldn't sell them before 3 months old so they would be really healthy. I thought forsure he was at 3 months. He is a boy I know this, I did know to look for the numb before bringing him home :)

I'll check out your link forsure

Where did you get him? Most reputable breeder will not sale before 2 to 3 months old but I've seen them at shows and they looked like they were out of the egg yesterday.
I got him at big als. They had an employee that breeds them. He just wasn't in that day to know his age.
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