Ahhh!!! Horny Veiled????


New Member
So, today I had Pascal out and he was chilling on the bathroom sink while I tidied up a bit. He seemed to be enjoying seeing his reflection, he was brightly colored and trying to climb up the mirror. After a while, I picked him up to taked him downstairs and idk what got into him, but he was acting realllly weird! At first, I didn't realize what he was doing but then it became clear as he rubbed his little butt against my arm. I was completely mortified! I was just wondering, is it normal for an 8 month old cham to do that?? Dumb question, I know, but he's my first and he's NEVER done that before. :confused:
Errr.... That IS weird... I think the poor little guy is confused. :p

He probably thought his reflection was a female.
I don't know how that is a defense mechanism..maybe Chris or Kinyonga can clear that up for us.

In the case that it's just him growing up, he's not going to do that ALL the time now is he? because that will make our relationship a tad awkward lol. i guess i'm just wondering if its a phase??
In the case that it's just him growing up, he's not going to do that ALL the time now is he? because that will make our relationship a tad awkward lol. i guess i'm just wondering if its a phase??

hahah that made me laugh.

My guys have never done that before. They do, however, "scratch" their butts with branches as if to clean themselves. I have never witnessed what your chameleon did. When I put my guys in front of the mirror, they fire up. My male veiled gets on his hind legs and flattens himself up. He has never done what yours did.
If your chameleon actually did think his reflection was a female, that's funny.
Maybe he's a gay chameleon.~ it'd be the best chameleon in the world.
I didn't say that specific thread said it was defensd, but even there you can infer it.

Infer? Nowhere does it even slightly mention defense.
Please post some actual evidence that its a defense mechanism. From the thread you referred me to, it says that its them just basically being aroused.

Again, hopefully Kinyonga or Chris can clear this up.
Try reading it again then, the other posts have to do with being aroused but the MAIN post is about the chameleon feeling threatened and raping his thumb. That is defense.
That would be a pretty lousy defense mechanism. If a chameleon felt threatened I highly doubt it would approach the threat and then proceed to mount it.
Have you ever seen chameleons mate? The entire act?
I still don't see how rubbing his butt is in self defense. What would be the reasoning for it? Doesn't make them appear threatening (as firing up does), no excretion of any chemical to make a possible predator back up.
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