Almost Had A Heart Attack!

Sebastian my panther gave me the biggest scare. I watered and fed him and went out to get some shopping. I came home and saw that I didn't put the latch on his screen cage. I started to panic because my lounge is huge and he's only 6 months.

Luckily he didn't leave the loung and was on top of my water dragons tank looking at me panic lol

Thats the first time I've made that mistake :(
Haha. Ive had that heart attack too. twice!
I free range my 9 month old veiled Kink. Came home, went to mist him, wasnt on his plant, found him on the floor behing the stand his plant sits on, he had some bruises but otherwise was fine.
Then yesterday I watered him, took my dog to the dog park, came back, hes gone again!
This time he had made it 9 feet across the floor and was crawling up my blinds on the window.

They do keep us on our toes dont they?
LOL they do. Sometimes I dread coming downstairs to see what else he's given me to worry about LOL. Twice I thought he had a prolapse, he didn't, was just cleaning himself lol and now he thinks he's Houdini and escapes lol
LOL they do. Sometimes I dread coming downstairs to see what else he's given me to worry about LOL. Twice I thought he had a prolapse, he didn't, was just cleaning himself lol and now he thinks he's Houdini and escapes lol

I feelthe same way. I walk in the door, i potty my puppy, then im like ok, time for the search... where has he wandered to now?
I'd love to free range them both but we got rid of the spare room years ago before we had reptiles to make the bathroom bigger but and since we have 2 dogs running around I can't :(

My staffy is ok with small animals but my Jack Russell would kill them if he had the chance, luckily he was in his crate while I was out.
I'd love to free range them both but we got rid of the spare room years ago before we had reptiles to make the bathroom bigger but and since we have 2 dogs running around I can't :(

My staffy is ok with small animals but my Jack Russell would kill them if he had the chance, luckily he was in his crate while I was out.

I just started llike 2 weeks ago.
Hes in my study with the door shut, so there is only so far he can go
I have a cat and a puppy, and they dont get near him.
I mainly was temporarily fre raning till my big cage came,then i decided i didnt feel like spending the money.
Im thining of just building him a huge cage from something.
I also had the scare. I put my 6 month old out side on his big tree while I cleaned out his cage. I check on him about every 5 min or so. Well it had been about 15 min with out me checking so I ran out there and of course he was no where to be found. So I start looking around and finally found him heading up another tree 20ft away. I'm glad he has very bright colors.:eek:
I lose Lenny on an almost daily basis. He has a large well planted room. Yes the little brat have his own bedroom. Once he walked out the door while I was filling his dripper. Now every time I can't find him in a tree I am sure he is gone. Mostly I calm myself and wait until night then go in with a light to see where he is sleeping. His room was planned to only use about 1/3 of the room. He was to have a 8' x 8' free range - well he took over the entire room. It seems there is nothing I can do about it.:confused:
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