Almost heart attack!


New Member
So coming home from work today I call my wife asking if she wanted me to pick her up something for food and she was on the other line with her mom so she's like "yeah let me call you back in a sec, I'm on the phone with my mom." I was like yeah sure. Well 5 mins go by and I get a call back and she sounded sad. So naturally I asked what was wrong and she sighed and took a deep breath and was like "babe... Ren's dead..." my heart imedietly dropped... I imedietly picked up my speed and got into the driveway and my wife was going outside to let the dog out. I went inside and was looking all over the enclosure for her and she was sitting on a branch staring right at me... And i was like uhh wtf? I reached in and she climbed on my hand and I walked outside with her on my hand and my wife was like wtf? She then told me I went over and misted her enclosure and she had her eyes shut and wasn't moving... Lmao she had her eyes closed cause she misted her lol...

So shes not dead.. And my wife almost gave me a heart attack.. Lol...

Fml talk about freaking out

If your chameleon was dead, most likely she would not be holding onto a branch but would be laying on the bottom of the cage, unless I guess rigamortis had set in with her in that position!!. Just a thought for future freak outs!!! I am glad she is alive and well!!!!
lol great story, a real eye opener "Do not let the wife spritz the chameleon!" ha funny. And who cares carol, just a story :) And Speaking of that i heard jann I think or someone say that some cling to branches when they die because there muscles tense up, or that was the position they were in at the present moment of there passage.
lol great story, a real eye opener "Do not let the wife spritz the chameleon!" ha funny. And who cares carol, just a story :) And Speaking of that i heard jann I think or someone say that some cling to branches when they die because there muscles tense up, or that was the position they were in at the present moment of there passage.

yeah. its like everything else. some people are found sitting up others fall out of the chair...
but that was a funny story. the first part made me sad then i got to the "punchline" i guess you could call it and started cracking up... dont give your wife too hard of a time because i would totally do something like she did hahaha
lol great story, a real eye opener "Do not let the wife spritz the chameleon!" ha funny. And who cares carol, just a story :) And Speaking of that i heard jann I think or someone say that some cling to branches when they die because there muscles tense up, or that was the position they were in at the present moment of there passage.
oh well, that might be true. Haven't see one dead on a branch or not so I guess I should have not commented! :rolleyes:
Haha :p I've read they do both falling over dead and also dying on branches. She really got the best of me today. But it ended up being pretty funny.
You should tell your wife not to break such news to you while you are driving - it could be hazardous to YOUR health as well. :eek:
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