Ambanja lost his coloring

Thanks for your response..His breeder also uses the repashy plus
He also has a good gutload going on,but I do use way more fruits & veggies than he does.I've had him for 15 mo & it just now showed up within the last 3 mo
Thanks Dj,
Good to know that I'm not the only one whose cham changed color.
He's been checked all 5 times for a URI and when he was sedated Mon for his bloodwork he checked his mouth out really good too,& nothing has showed.He's not became weaker during all of this & has lost no weight
I will try to up his temps,but I've been running in range,his basking usually runs 87(checked with a temp gun)the middle runs around 78-79 and lower around 74.I always use warm water for mistings & will up these too.
The funny thing is he's not been showing his dark stress colors.He also seems to enjoy the vet visits.He's super friendly and has only fired up once since I've had him.I got him at 4 wks of age.Evne when he by chance see's his brother who is 2 mo younger, he never fires up
Oh he has been tested for parasites twice and it's negative
So I'll up the temp & misting and see how it goes

That is good he likes being handled :)

I have so many chameleons it's hard to get them all hand friendly. Especially 7 tamatave females :eek:
I hope he is not sick. My daughter had a chameleon that got very cold for the entire weekend and he lost his color for months and months but when she brought him to me here in FL the warm outside time that I gave him restored his colors.
Just a shot in the dark but could you post a current pic of his body and tail, in profile? It almost looks like he's reverted back into the juvenile colors and I'm wondering if the hemipenes are reduced.
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