Amy's Xray and Update

Miss Lily

Chameleon Enthusiast
Today, Amy had her check up with the vet and another injection of Baytril. I asked to see her xray and was able to get a photo. Not the best photo, unfortunately, as there was no viewer in the room. You can clearly see the fully functioning and inflated left lung (the dark/black patch down her side) compared to a white fuzzy mass where the right lung is situated, showing that her lung is quite congested. This afternoon she is looking much more alert and her tongue is extending further than it could on Thursday. She has eaten a cricket and 3 silkworms today too, so I hope she will make a full recovery! Back to the vets for another check up on Monday afternoon in case more Baytril is required. The vet said that it was best to inject it rather than administer it orally to ensure that she gets the full dose each time.

This evening she is settled down to sleep with her chin resting on the branch and she hasn't been holding her head up much at all today. She has also had a couple of long drinks today too, so I am really hopeful that we caught it in time and that she can recover. I love my baby girl way too much to lose her so soon after Tommy.

cool pic tiff, im glad to hear she is a lil tropper and pullin through for you, still keeping you guys in my wishes.
Thanks Hoj! She is doing really well although she is sporting a new bruise today, bless her! As you can see from the xray there are no eggs in her abdomen which I was so very pleased about! He also said that her bone density is very good too, so no calcium issues! It feels good to get things right :D, just wish I knew how she got the pneumonia though.
Glad the little troopers doing good, keep us upto date on her recovery :) (great xray by the way, you can really see the difference in lungs!)
Poor little girl! Good to hear she's acting/getting better!
Did you happen to ask him about nebulization I'm a firm believer in it not it really kicked things around for my guy and it's suppose to be a lot less stressful on them and their system,
My guess from what I've talked to people about on the subject of UI and LRI is its brought on by to low of temps accommodated by to high of humidity but that's just what I've gotten from a few biologists and herpetologist at a nearby university they are also looking more into the nebulization of baytril and other antibiotics and the effect of it directly inhaled vs injection and orally administered and I've asked them to email me their findings once they complete their research so once they do that I'll post it up for all to read they'll also be breaking down a list of medications amounts needed to be administered per size and bread of reptile!! So I hope it benefits all!
Whatcamo - that sounds interesting - I shall look forward to reading more about that. I don't know if veterinary practises are that well advanced over there.

Thankfully, I think we caught it early - Amy had now other symptoms - no excess saliva, bubbles or discharge from her nostrils. She continues to make progress - she slept with her chin resting on her branch last night and has been sitting normally today (not holding her head up like she was) and she is VERY interested in food. She had 4 smallish silkies and a couple of crickets today. Since she is not cycling eggs and she is poorly I figured a few extra food items won't go amiss for her at the moment. She has another check up tomorrow and I will ask if she needs another xray to see if the lung is clearer, but maybe he will just listen to her chest tomorrow and possibly give her another injection of Baytril.
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