To keep the area moist, you could put him in a pet pal with enough water in the bottom of it to cover the parts that are hanging out. The paper towel will only keep wet what it touches.
Update: After a $50 fee & some topical meds...the total bill came to $67 so I'm impressed and not broke!!!
It turns out the protrusion is the vent. His right hemipenis was completely backed up and the vet said he probably used the left hemipenis (which was only slightly full of gunk) when breeding. He said they did not clean properly cause he was probably dehydrated at that time. I described the area when I purchased him...and told him that I had been soaking him to loosen stuff. Apparantly it probably helped a bit...but he showed me all the gunk that he cleaned out of the hemipenis...and he pushed the vent back in and put on topical medication.
He confirmed my thoughts...he was dehydrated for a long period of time. All the information I have found out in the last week and from you guys has been HUGELY helpful! For now I must continue to topically medicate him, and keep up with the misting and water drips. I have been advised to try getting extra calcium into the female as well.
More questions...ways to get more calcium into Fiona? Dusting crickets, gutloading with flukers water gel with calcium? UVB light? Anything else?
Shrek has been put back into the same glass terrarium until I can get a new one in for him. Two minutes after I put him in he was chasing crickets I figure that's a good sign! His hydration seems to be up in the past 24 hours and he seems to be using his tongue better. He's avidly licking at water lots, so I'm happy with that. I need to get his weight up and will be looking into other food sources and trying the collard leaves and such.
Any more help will greatly help me here. I still have to watch his vent and keep him calm hoping he doesn't push it out more...but he's a pretty friendly guy and was quite happy to crawl all over me when we got home!
Good news! I am glad to hear such a good chance for him! Also check your temps in the glass enclosure to make sure the heat is not helping dehydrate him. I would also be careful to not overdo calcium as too much can do as much harm as too little.
Shrek has pushed his vent back out and the vet has directed me how to put it back in...unfortunately it's way out there and he's angry at me pushing it back in, so I took him to the vet for some tack sutures...poor dude
Glad you took Shrek back to the vets! I've been told its quite painful for the chameleon to have this done. Its no wonder Shrek's angry. My vet usually does in while the cham. is under. The suture should help.
Regarding the calcium...there is a liquid you can get at the pharmacy called calcium sandoz or calcium glucontate. You can give the female a bit of this...but don't overdo it....and be careful not to give more than a drop at a time because its syrupy and the chameleons have trouble swallowing it. Talk to your vet about how much to give.
I'm not sure I understand what is happening. The vent, as I refer to it is just the opening itself, right? Is this an intestinal/rectal prolapse? It could just be the angle of the picture making it look weird to me, but the way it appears to be sticking out from one side, rather than straight down makes me think hemipene.
I've also not really heard of "gunk" needing to be cleaned from the organ. Like sperm plugs that didn't get wiped off or something? I'd be afraid it could be dried "pus." Some infections in reptiles may take a very long time to get going and I could see a vet mistaking it for something else. I'd have them take a closer look at the stuff if he continues having problems with it.
Thanks Kinyonga...the vet actually mentioned that liquid calcium for the female as well...but I had so much whizzing by my ears, I figured I'd have to come on and ask a few things!
Hairfarm...when you look at the problem up close on wasn't the two hemipenises at the side that were was the actual anal area...hence why he called it the vent. When I got Shrek the Hemipenises had hard stuff formed at the outside of it and it was a little sore to the touch, but not pussy ever. I was always trying to soak the area to relieve the pressure and clean it myself, but wasn't willing to poke up into there cause I didn't want to damage anything. When he cleaned it out...he said that he was probably dehydrated for so long...and the one hemipenis probably wasn't used for breeding, and had a lot of harder dried out material he thinks wasn't relieved during breeding process cause he was too dehydrated to pass it. As a result of being 'backed up' for so long, he just kept pushing and straining and out popped his vent anal area! Does that make sense?
I guess, just never heard of anything like that happening before. Just to make sure, when it was sticking out and being pushed back in, did it have the appearance of say a sock pushed into itself? Haha, does that make sense? Basically, did it look like something kind of opening from the inside? Rolled or pushed into itself?
Ummm...not sure how to describe it compared to a sock! I went to school for Animal Science, and almost did vet I saw some pretty crazy things....what he said made total sense when he pointed it all out. If I could only find pics of the physiology/anatomy of these critters online and point it out!
Cool. If you'd seen the hemipene move in and out a little bit, you'd know what I was trying to describe. Again, it could just be the angle of the photo making the flesh appear to be sticking out at an angle.