Angry S.O.B.

wht i do now is put a plant on the table so its high open his cage put it hanging in there a little so he can climb out on his own accord and he loves it i even open the ca and he just come out on the door then climbs on me curtains dnt really need the plant now he seems to b getting more tame by day bt he has his gd days and bad days like any other cham he is my first and is going well so far just go with wht ya cham wnts i say:)
But nobody's actually said what to expect if you get bitten. :)

My Veiled got me once on the meaty bit of the back of my index finger. It did not break the skin, but it did leave an oval-shaped bruise. I was surprised at how hard he bit because my sister's leopard gecko used to nip at my fingers every so often and it didn't feel like much of anything. It wasn't bad enough for me to react with anything more than a curse, but I've bought some cheap leather gardening gloves from Target to handle him since. I usually let him bite down on one glove with my hand out of it and guide him off his vine with the other. Just pay very close attention. He didn't strike when he got me, so I was surprised that he did it because he never had before but I also expected it enough not to recoil. If you're not paying attention I could definitely see reacting physically.

I don't make a habit of handling him regularly, though. I was worried about stressing him out too much when I had to handle him, but on those few occasions he's okay once he's out.
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