Angry Veiled

I work with veileds and they can be terrified. Most also hate being caged. Do you have a safe area where you can set up a free range for him? A room where you can close the door that's free from other pets and children? I have a few links that you might find helpful.

I definitely agree from the experience I had with my Veiled that they become more docile (if "docile" is the right word) outside of their cages. Mine spent as much time outside the cage as I could allow. In the early stages, I was always sure to take him out by providing a stick for him to grab. Then I would transport him on the stick. After some time, he eventually started to climb onto me on his own.

I set up an artificial tree outside of his cage, and when I was home I would connect a vine from inside the cage to the tree so he had the option to come out if he wanted to do so. Keep in mind that I did not have any cats, dogs, children, or other potential threats around when I did this. Sometimes I would go to visit him on his tree, but even then I would leave him alone if he looked upset (dark colors, puffed up, etc.), hissed, or lunged. I actually never got bitten!

I wouldn't get discouraged. You can turn your relationship with your Veiled around, but it will need to be done on his terms.
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