Animal Hoarding?

oh, right that stage that is beyond hoarding... were you become this god like super smart guy, that deserve to own a zoo but knows he doesn't need to. cause he is "that guy" ....

if i had the money id have what ryan has =p, maybe a little more variety.
We bow to your list, Ryan. You are the master of vertical organizing!

Yeah, I think when you see those TV shows you see people who hoard and the big thing is they cannot and do not take proper care of or have the proper housing/feeding/conditions ect... I think as long as the animals have what they truely need and are being loved and cared for properly and you have the space and the finances to handle it then hey go crazy! If you don't have the means and finances to properly care for them and you have a hoard then you probably are crazy!

I love animals of all type, grew up with crazy things as a kid...
Currently have 15 personal dogs, live on 15 acres. And 1 Nosy Be Panther on the way this week... I am sooo excited... already planning for #2! LOL!!!!
Wow :eek:

When I found this thread, I was just feeling guilty because I just aquired two chameleons in 30 days and I am considering a carpet cham, bearded, and my husband is getting a rainbow boa.


2 chameleons
1 pit mix

Ryan: What in the world is a gargoyle? I mean, besides the statue kind.

Gargoyle geckos, kinda like cresteds.

Ryan, reading Chuck's post almost knocked me out of my socks that i didnt even bother reading the thread and just posted away, missed your list until it brought me to 2nd page, but holy crow. where do you folks get the money to raise these guys? all hobbie's and no lady friends? lol

The trick is a wife as crazy as I am and $250 a week in food on top of a $700 a month electric bill. If you can deal with that and about 6 hours a day of cleaning etc on top of a 40+ hour a week job. Its so easy. :p
The trick is a wife as crazy as I am and $250 a week in food on top of a $700 a month electric bill. If you can deal with that and about 6 hours a day of cleaning etc on top of a 40+ hour a week job. Its so easy. :p

nice brotha. thats my kinda girl, and i got one like that. its always the cleaning, feeding, observing first before we even sit down and spend time together.
all in all though, it does sound pretty darn easy. NOT, like Kent said, we bow to your list and extensive efforts to doing this lol
Holy crap Ryan!!!!! Either you are the most organized person I know, or only your animals live in that space!! Do you reside in the garage???:p That is amazing. I have a little over 2000 sq.ft. and I'm complaining that I'm running out of room!! I told my husband we need a bigger house!! I could probably take some tips from you!!
My (short) list!!

5.1 veileds
1.0 panther
1.1.2 cresteds
4 crested eggs
1.0 bearded dragon
0.1 leopard gecko
1.0 iguana
1.1 boxers
1.0 beta
29 gal fresh water aquarium with a whole 8 fish!!
1.1.2 humans

just for fun here's my bug collection

4 55L cont adult/ juvenile crickets (approx 7 thousand)
1 26L cont baby crickets and eggs ( I don't know how many thousand pinhead-.125 inch crickets I have at any time!!)
4 14L cont silkworms various sizes (currently at about 800)
1 14L cont incubating silkworm eggs
1 32L cont of silkworm cocoons/ moths layering the bottom
1 14L cont of superworms (approx 500)
1 14L cont of superworm beetles (6 beetles!!!)
5 1 qt deli cups of mantis ( 5)
2 64L cont of dubia ( unsure of exact amount )

I dont know about you guys, but I find I need more space and spend more time messing with my feeders than my animals!!! :D
Our local animal shelter (where I volunteer) has a case against a Gentleman here that has been hoarding. This man owns 3 homes - none of which he occupies because the homes are overrun with animals, feces, destroyed furniture, bags and cans of opened animal food and smell so bad that you do not want to go inside. Most of these animals are in need of some type of medical care, no vaccinations or altering. He thinks he is doing these animal a favor by keeping them off the streets, but they become sickly, overcrowded, fleeriden and continue to overpopulate. My local Vet says this man does occasionally call to get meds for some of them, but will not bring them in. If he were keeping these animals in clean, uncrowded areas, with proper food, water and medical care - he would not be considered a hoarder.

Okay, now do you think you are HOARDERS!
ok lets start a new thread, Post your pics! Especially you Ryan, I cannot even imagine all that in a 984 sq ft area. It must be like a maze going through your house! I want to say I give credit to all of youl. I have a few fish, a cockatiel, and my chameleon. I have enough with cleaning their housing! OMG! Where do you all find the time!?
1 veiled
1 west usambara two-horned
1 bearded pygmy
2 crested geckos
and an unhabited planted vivarium

1 bin of crickets
1 bin of superworms
1 deli cup of wax worms
and silks, horns and mealworms when they want to pay a visit ;)

this is all in my bedroom, im still milkin the parents house, but one day guys.. mark my words! when i am rich with a crazy wife like ryan, i will out number ALLLLL of your collections MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHH~!!!!! lol no probably not, but thought i'd share anyways.

[EDIT] i also have a dalmation/black lab mix, but that's the family's
By the way:

I have 15 cats
4 dogs
4 aquariums
2 leopard geckos
4 haitian curly tails
2 cresties
2 beardies
2 beavertail agamas
2 neon dragons
3 mellers
1 veiled

All the cats and dogs are spayed/neutered and up to date on shots!!! Will be cleaning lizard cages and aquariums today. I really must be crazy!!
Not feeling too bad now! Thanks Ryan and Kent! I will say in my defense that I take excellent care of all of them. As far as the wife,they have to be on board with it. You can't sneak this stuff in!
None of you are crazy ,you are all just animal lovers. And if they are all getting good homes and proper care, more power to all of you!!!
Reptiles do not count IMO most people wouldnt even know I had most this stuff unless I showed them. It is when mammals get out of control, they are far more dirty and harder to clean up after at least in my opinion.

54 panther chameleons plus 41 babies
1.1 veileds
1.0 quad
1.1 K. tavs
1.1 carpet chams
1.1.1 Green Tree Pythons
1.1.1 Avicularia versicolor
1.4.3 Native Toads
0.1.1 P. regalis
1.4.2 G. rosea
1.1.1 OBT
0.1 Doberman
0.1 Italian Greyhounds
1.0 Yorkshire Terrier
1.0 Persian
0.1 Black cat

I need a few more GTPs anyone? I agree with Sang on this.
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I will say in my defense that I take excellent care of all of them. As far as the wife,they have to be on board with it. You can't sneak this stuff in!

Yeah, and I'll say in my defense that the Columbian boa belongs to Megan's son. Not me. :rolleyes: In all seriousness, though, I can't imagine doing all this if she wasn't 100% into it. Although, I can't begin to count how many times I've heard, "Ok, now we REALLY have enough!"
I don't have room in my house for any more chameleons. Just as well or I would most definitely be a chameleon hoarder too!:D I do hoard various chameleon related items though, they don't take up as much room as cages for real chameleons. Well not yet they don't!
Fun Game!
Heres my list:
1.0 Panther Cham
5.1 Veiled Chams
1.0 Leo. Gecko
1.0 Eurydactylodes agricolae
1.0 FL. Snapping Turtle
0.0.1 West African Mud Turtle
0.0.1 Razor back Musk Turtle
1.1 Ribbed Newts
0.1 Clawed Frog
1.1 Croc. Skinks
1.1 Senegal Bichirs
and the old ladys stupid cat.
Four dogs, 3 hedgehogs, 1 turtle, 1 chameleon.

People think I'm crazy for that many animals but now that I see your lists I feel just fine.:)
Reptiles do not count IMO. It is when mammals get out of control, they are far more dirty and harder to clean up after at least in my opinion.

54 panther chameleons plus 41 babies
1.1 veileds
1.0 quad
1.1 K. tavs
1.1 carpet chams
1.1.1 Green Tree Pythons
1.1.1 Avicularia versicolor
1.4.3 Native Toads
0.1.1 P. regalis
1.4.2 G. rosea
1.1.1 OBT
0.1 Doberman
0.1 Italian Greyhounds
1.0 Yorkshire Terrier
1.0 Persian
0.1 Black cat

I need a few more GTPs anyone? I agree with Sang on this.

I had to laugh at this!! Have you ever seen Mellers Shed or Poop!!??? The shed looks like it snowed in their room and the poop is as large as my dachshunds!!!
I know there is a show about this and I am afraid to watch and discover I have a problem! Just curious about everyone's list of animals.
[...insert huge list here...]
I am setting up a discus tank in the next few weeks.
After typing this out,I do have a problem.:eek:

For those that think you have a problem. Keep in mind I have a 934sq ft condo then look at the list below.
[...insert another Huge list here...]

Wow. followed by a few expletive words that are not suitable for the forum. I now feel like such a light-weight!

6 adult chameleons
20+ babies
a few hermit crabs
a couple lineolated parakeets
a bunch of pet bugs
edit: almost forgot - also quite a few frogs
and my list is done!

i think hoarding becomes a problem when you have more then you can care for, it consumes your life, and you continually add beyond your means for containing animals in a healthy enviroment.

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