Annoying Aphids and Ants!

ants farm the aphids for a sugar like substance that comes out of the aphids bum

chyrsanthemum spray I believe contains pyrethrins..."Both pyrethrins and pyrethroids are highly toxic to fish, tadpoles, lizards and beneficial insects"...

Interesting. What I've read about pyrenthrin from mums is that it is essentially non-toxic to mamals, reptiles and birds (toxic to fish and insects only), and that only incredibly high concentrations would have any effect on same. Also it is non-persistent /biodegradable, and breaks down easily on exposure to light or oxygen. Its considered to be amongst the safest insecticides for use around food.

But better safe than sorry!

Marc10edora, did the banana peel tip help?
"Most effective treatment appeared to be a combination of pyrethrin (0.02%) and caffeine extract (1.0%) than either substance alone: After one application, 5 out of 5 frogs died within 5-10 min."

While this spraying of frogs was going on in Hawaii, there were numerous reports of Jackson's chameleons showing up with black marks on them that soon died.

I also know of a bearded dragon being sprayed with pyrethrin...the dragon was taken to the vet and it was suspected that that is what killed it.
"Most effective treatment appeared to be a combination of pyrethrin (0.02%) and caffeine extract (1.0%) than either substance alone: After one application, 5 out of 5 frogs died within 5-10 min."

While this spraying of frogs was going on in Hawaii, there were numerous reports of Jackson's chameleons showing up with black marks on them that soon died.

I also know of a bearded dragon being sprayed with pyrethrin...the dragon was taken to the vet and it was suspected that that is what killed it.

It amazes me how you always find this kind of stuff. Do you do this for a living or are you bored all
I went digging in boxes and finally found my bottle of chysanthemum based insecticide. It indeed indicates it is toxic to amphibians, as well as fish and insects. It indicates it is not harmful to plants, mamals and birds. Interestingly, reptiles are not indicated one way or another!
Marc10edora said..."It amazes me how you always find this kind of stuff. Do you do this for a living or are you bored all "...I am definitely not bored! I am on a lot of forums and have a great interest in chameleons (and many other reptiles) and any biology/papers/studies/etc. that have to do with them. I have a great interest in nutritional information and other areas of science. I guess I have an insatiable appetite for information!

I also have associations with entomologists, veterinarians, the zoo and other sources of information and I have been keeping chameleons (and other reptiles) for over 20 years.

In the case of the frogs/Jackson' of the other forums I'm on discussed the dying Jackson's chameleons in Hawaii. I know a person in Hawaii who knows about the chameleons and told me about the spraying....since the two happened at the same time it seems that there may be a connection.

Ask me a sports question or who sang a certain song or who starred in a movie and I won't have a clue! Nor would I do well at answering questions about history!

Hope this helps!
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