Another light thread, still confused


Established Member
I'm using a 16x16x30 Reptibreeze for my veiled cham right now with a double dome fixture, a Zoo Med ReptiSun 5.0 UVB Mini Compact Fluorescent and regular 40 WATT bulb. Vines, branches, small fake shrubs and stuff for her to hide in.

She's about 2 1/2 months old so I guess that's OK for now. I have some potted live plants I'm going to put in soon too.

So, lighting is confusing me even after reading a few threads which honestly just confuse me more.

I'm looking at a REPTISUN T5 HO TERRARIUM HOOD 14" with the bulb included, ReptiSun T5 HO 5.0 UVB Lamp. Mostly because it would just fit on top of the current cage nicely but then I started thinking she's will need a new cage lager (I'm thinking XL) in the next few months and I should go ahead and get something in a 24" at the very least.

Then I saw and the duals started calling me. Then I came across and thought, well that's a lot cheaper and expandable (in length) if I'm understanding correctly.

Finally, I've also read that some people just go and get their fixtures from Walmart, Home Depot, Lowe's or wherever which I'm summing even cost less for the same job.

I know I need the right bulbs so I'm not lost there. Where I'm lost is the Wattage mostly and if a ReptiSun T5 HO 5.0 UVB Lamp/Arcadia 6%/12% would be too much for my current set up until I get the new one.

I should have plenty of shade but I'm not sure still.

Is it OK to put a lower WATT bulb in a fixture that's meant to have higher WATT bulbs?

For example, comes with 2x 24W T5 6500K lamps, say I put a 15 WATT bulb in there, would that be OK?

Sorry for the long rant-ish post but I want to get this right before I go spending money that honestly is hard to come by in my situation. That's another matter though.
The aquatraders light does not come with the correct UV bulb.... nor are they able to offer you any expertise whatsoever on lighting reptiles.
Nor do they support the reptile community in any way. (by giving donations to reptiles rescues or supporting educational reptile forums.... like this one.:D)

One might want to consider all things before deciding on where the best value truly lies with this hobby and your pets well being.


ps. you may want to google: fire hazzard aquatraders odyssea T5

Plus, It is easy to sell cheaper if a company doesn't carry things like product liability insurance.

LYR has a 2 Million dollar policy covering all its custom made products, details (policy number, carrier info. etc.) available on request.
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Here's where I stand on it...if you're just getting started, the zoomed products are just fine. Once you're expanding into a larger setup, or become a more experienced keeper... products, HANDS DOWN. The quality is top notch (I don't own one YET, but my friend has all their equipment on his multiple enclosures and they're amazing).

In the end, you ALWAYS get what you pay for. Todd is super quick at responding to any questions and really working with you on your needs. You won't get that kind of service from Walmart.
Here's where I stand on it...if you're just getting started, the zoomed products are just fine. Once you're expanding into a larger setup, or become a more experienced keeper... products, HANDS DOWN. The quality is top notch (I don't own one YET, but my friend has all their equipment on his multiple enclosures and they're amazing).

In the end, you ALWAYS get what you pay for. Todd is super quick at responding to any questions and really working with you on your needs. You won't get that kind of service from Walmart.

WOW.... Wowbango--:)
That was really nice of you to say and I will remember this.
Thank you kindly!

Most Sincerely,
WOW.... Wowbango--:)
That was really nice of you to say and I will remember this.
Thank you kindly!

Most Sincerely,

I'm trying to schmooze for a discount! hahaha :D Nigel just turned 6 months old, working on his large enclosure putting everything together, last step is to get that lighting! That Quad is calling my name...soon...very soon :) gets my highest recommendation. Larry is a class act and his products are well worth the money. A comment above stated if your starting out zoomed products are fine. I disagree. Get the best you possibly can to provide your chameleons the optimal habitat. I made the mistake of getting "just good enough" lights. After 2 weeks I upgraded to a dual 24" tropic blaze fixture. Then I bought a second. My plants had taken off so quickly I was amazed. Arcadia bulbs also last a year as opposed to ~6 months. gets my highest recommendation. Larry is a class act and his products are well worth the money. A comment above stated if your starting out zoomed products are fine. I disagree. Get the best you possibly can to provide your chameleons the optimal habitat. I made the mistake of getting "just good enough" lights. After 2 weeks I upgraded to a dual 24" tropic blaze fixture. Then I bought a second. My plants had taken off so quickly I was amazed. Arcadia bulbs also last a year as opposed to ~6 months.

My comment about the "just good enough" is in regards to a new keeper. Someone who is just getting started is likely not going to spend $100 on a light fixture for a small cage, only to replace it a few months later with a $150fixture when moving to a large cage. It makes sense for someone to get necessities at first and once they've decided to keeping a cham is working out, then to upgrade to the best you can get moving forward. This of course, just like yours, is only my opinion. I've only ever ranted and raved about Todd's products.
I realize that has what's considered, at least in these forums, the best. Perhaps everywhere. I also appreciate the companies good works as well.

Honestly, it's not a matter of being cheap or not wanting to get a light fixture from LYR, it's the fact that I don't have a steady job due to some issues I rather not discuss right now, if ever. Lets just say I'm very limited where cash flow is concerned right now. I have to weigh my options VS when she will be needing what she needs. I got her as a gift, otherwise I would have had everything ready for her way before I got her. It was a total surprise. My family did not know or consider how involved having a Cham is or what it would cost. They brought her to me in a glass tank with desert type supplies, that's what the PetSmart people told them to get. I knew it was wrong right away and I've never had a Cham before now.

That said, I could save up in a month or two but will she be OK until then with the current set up, at least where lighting is concerned? I'd also like to know about the rest of my questions, if for educational purposes alone if anyone could chime in that. In case I get the lights sooner and the larger cage a bit later. I don't want her to get too much light if that's a thing. I suppose I could just keep them till new cage day comes as well, unless it will benefit her in her current cage.

I realize that has what's considered, at least in these forums, the best. Perhaps everywhere. I also appreciate the companies good works as well.

Honestly, it's not a matter of being cheap or not wanting to get a light fixture from LYR, it's the fact that I don't have a steady job due to some issues I rather not discuss right now, if ever. Lets just say I'm very limited where cash flow is concerned right now. I have to weigh my options VS when she will be needing what she needs. I got her as a gift, otherwise I would have had everything ready for her way before I got her. It was a total surprise. My family did not know or consider how involved having a Cham is or what it would cost. They brought her to me in a glass tank with desert type supplies, that's what the PetSmart people told them to get. I knew it was wrong right away and I've never had a Cham before now.

That said, I could save up in a month or two but will she be OK until then with the current set up, at least where lighting is concerned? I'd also like to know about the rest of my questions, if for educational purposes alone if anyone could chime in that. In case I get the lights sooner and the larger cage a bit later. I don't want her to get too much light if that's a thing. I suppose I could just keep them till new cage day comes as well, unless it will benefit her in her current cage.


Yes, the cham will be perfectly fine. For instance, I recently started dirt biking. I'm not going out and buying the absolute BEST BIKE as my first bike until I know I'm sticking with it, then I can look into spending $15k on a dirt bike. Your current setup will not harm nor depry what your cham needs. The main difference is going to be the build quality, support and overall lifetime of the product. This is where the LYR product will shine. God knows we all have some sort of budget, and unfortunately Chameleon keeping isn't the cheapest. But you can definitely upgrade once you have the ability to. You can always buy the light bigger than what you need and use it on the smaller cage until you have the cage as well.
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