Another one of my T. montiums


New Member
Alright, so, since John liked the pic I sent of his/my baby so much that he posted it up (thanks for that, John. :) I'm super glad to see that you're as happy with how handsome he turned out as I am. :) ), I thought I'd post a pic of my bigguy too. :p


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Hes Beautiful! I remember when Andy Koffman (in Seattle) imported well as some Goliath frogs in the early 90s late 80s. They were unheard of then (generally speaking).
Nice specimen! I used to have a bunch of them when they sold for $30 to $50 ea. in the 90's. What I wouldn't give to have that many now.
Thanks, all, for your kind words, and memories of these guys. This guy is quite the tank. He's the largest specimen I've seen so far, and, indeed... his tail fin is quite big. What I find interesting about this species, is that they love to wake up with me at 2:30AM when the 'moon' (the light in my room) is out, to eat. This guy, in particular, is a WC/LTC, and is super friendly.
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