Anxious baby veiled


New Member
Hello all. I was unsure where to post my question so ill start here. My lil veiled was so sweet.. would climb right onto me every time I put my hand in the terranium.. now he freaks out everytime.. hes even gone as far as opening his mouth like hes hissing. . Im not sure if this is a permanent thing for him. . I don't want to be afraid of my little guy.
How long have you had him. I feel like as they start going up some become more aggressive, especially in their cages as that is their territory. If you keep working with him slowly he should get better in time. It will take time and you will learn what gets him upset and what doesn't. My Nosy Be male in his cage will not let your hand go anywhere near him without puffing up and gaping. However let him climb out onto a tree and he becomes the sweetest little guy and reaches for your hand.
Remember Chameleons are solitary and territorial, some just don't like being handled at all.

Cup feeding your lil' one will help him see you as a source of food, therefore slowly may 'open' up to you more and be less aggressive. Or so I've learnt by reading lots of threads on these forums.

Free ranging has proven to be effective too.

Good luck!
Thankyou. I just don't want to hurt him if he goes to bite n I freak as a reaction. I am already so atrached
Hello all. I was unsure where to post my question so ill start here. My lil veiled was so sweet.. would climb right onto me every time I put my hand in the terranium.. now he freaks out everytime.. hes even gone as far as opening his mouth like hes hissing. . Im not sure if this is a permanent thing for him. . I don't want to be afraid of my little guy.

There is nothing to be affraid of chameleon bites don't hurt at alll (not that you want him to bite you). It is natural for them to get alittle territorial take your time with him, talk to him as you get closer, try hand feeding him but take your time at first he will not go for it quickly but after awhile he will jump right to it. Golem still hisses and buffs up everytime I got to get him but within a minute or two he is relaxed and chill. The most important part is not to rush it and keep with him he will come along.
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