Any way to tell or remove parasites without vet?

So only way is the vet but I don't want to use my money

I have money but I don't want to spend it that's what I mean

Use someone else’s money then.

Anyways how much would it cost for going to the vet for to check for parasites? In Canada

Canadian veterinary rules (I also believe this is true for the US as well) dictate that a doctor cannot prescribe medications to an animal he/she has not seen. When a veterinarian recommends and/or provides treatment for an animal, a valid Veterinarian-Client-Patient Relationship (VCPR) must exist. A veterinarian must have sufficient knowledge of the animal, including its health status, immunization history, nutrition, management, environment and hygiene, to provide a diagnosis and recommend treatment.

So all that said, you HAVE to go see a vet the first time. Depending on your vet the visit is $50-75, the fecals perhaps $25, plus the price of the medications. Once you have a relationship with your vet any subsequent fecals can simply be dropped off for testing and medications prescribed (if needed) without the in house exam if money is a factor.

Oh no my chameleon isn't eating a lot could that mean...........

Wait wait my chameleon is not eating crickets

It could mean that it’s too cold or it’s not hungry or it’s sick. If you concerned at all about your pet, fill out the health questionnaire ( in its entirety and perhaps we can pinpoint why he isn’t eating crickets.
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