Anyone know what this is?

First of all...I'm not a vet and can only give you my best guesses from my experiences from over 30 years of keeping chameleons and from what I've learned from reading and from others experiences.

I spent a long time today reading all your previous threads. She dropped all the eggs from the branch when she laid over 50 eggs in November 2019. I told you the next clutch should have been in March 2020... But she didn't lay any since November 2019. IMHO she is holding eggs inside her that should have been laid long ago and is likely going to die eggbound or from peritonitis if they rot inside her.
One way or another I would think these eggs need to be removed from her ASAP.

In this thread...
I suggested to you to cut back on the feeding... I said..."cut her back to about 4 or 5 large crickets every second day after that".
I also mentioned lowering the basking temperature a couple of degrees.Did you do these things?

Is the lay bin IN THE CAGE? Has it been there since before the eggs were laid?
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First of all...I'm not s vet and can only give you my best guesses from my experiences from over 30 years of keeping chameleons and from what I've learned from reading and from others experiences.

I spent a long time today reading all your previous threads. She dropped all the eggs from the branch when she laid over 50 eggs in November 2019. I told you the next clutch should have been in March 2020... But she didn't lay any since November 2019. IMHO she is holding eggs inside her that should have been laid long ago and is likely going to die eggbound or from peritonitis if they rot inside her.
One way or another I would think these eggs need to be removed from her ASAP.

In this thread...
I suggested to you to cut back on the feeding... I said..."cut her back to about 4 or 5 large crickets every second day after that".
I also mentioned lowering the basking temperature a couple of degrees.Did you do these things?

I did cut back yes, but now she isn't eating. I've been feeding her fruit and mashed crickets for about two weeks. I have lowered the basking spot, yes.

They have been in for over a year, is it possible they have already started to rot? Surgery is the only option to get the eggs out eh? I don't know if she would be a good candidate anymore 😔

Thank you for all your help. I'll see if I can get into my vet sometime soon.
A reptile Vet is needed today.... Not sometime soon. If you have been force feeding her for two weeks and she is having discoloration of her hind end. Then she needs treatment now to even have a chance at making it.

You do not have a linear UVB light either. So she more then likely has MBD... Without a reptile vet interceding this is going to be a very very sad outcome.
You said..."The darkness on one side spread to the other side of her tail and up her side, idk what if it's but it's weird"...this is an indication that things are going downhill fairly quickly. I think she doesn't have much longer to live and I expect she is in pain. You need to deal with this quickly IMHO.
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