

Tank Size: 5 Gallon
Filtration: AquaClear 20 (X2), AquaClear 50
Occupants: 2 Red Freshwater Lobsters sure you wanna start this one Will? I could take up 10 pages here :p

55 gallon Planted Discus tank

Inhabitants: 7 discus, 14 Cardinal Tetras, 2 Bolivian Rams, Cories, Multipunctatus cats, Albino bristlenose plecos


These tanks have changed around, but here's what the entire setup looks like with hood and cabinet...I'll work on some closer pics with new inhabitants!
(I made these cabinets myself from scrap wood in a cabinet makers bin)

110 gallon 5 foot tank


90 gallon 4 foot tank

A few of my fish that I breed...many are wildcaughts. I'm not talented enough to take real good fish photos yet, so some of the real good ones were taken by my friend of my fish.


Capidochromis Trewavasae 'Mloto Likoma'


Placidochromis Electra (AKA Deep Water Hap)


Cynotylapia sp. Mbamba 'Chitende Island'


Metriaclima Callanois (AKA Cobalt)

I have tonnes more, but those are pics of some of my breeding Lake Malawi African Cichlids, as well as discus.
Wow...could it be? Chameleons and Aquariums in the same forum?? GREAT idea!

I am not very good at taking pictures of my all! But I'll dig through my "fishes" folder and find some of my favorites!


Male Kribensis (Pelvicachromis pulcher)


A pair of Kribs hiding out


Trying to capture that bright red belly! :)



And lastly, a picture of my 2nd favorite fish! (Mikrogeophagus ramirezi)
My 20 gallon peacock mantis shrimp tank!!


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26G flat-back hexagon. Pygmy angel, rainford's goby, cleaner shrimp, frogspawn, 2 hammers, green montipora capricornis, green pagoda cup, favia, neon candy cane, purple, watermelon, and striped mushrooms, fire ball zoas, dragon eye zoas, orange bam bam zoas, pink zoas, other assorted zoas, green star polyps, button polyps, bubble coral, blue leg hermit crabs, and plenty of pom pom xenia.

26G flat-back hexagon. Pygmy angel, rainford's goby, cleaner shrimp, frogspawn, 2 hammers, green montipora capricornis, green pagoda cup, favia, neon candy cane, purple, watermelon, and striped mushrooms, fire ball zoas, dragon eye zoas, orange bam bam zoas, pink zoas, other assorted zoas, green star polyps, button polyps, bubble coral, blue leg hermit crabs, and plenty of pom pom xenia. of these of these days
I keep alot of Piranha.. here's a few of mine past and present!
Got so many pictures, can't find all the good ones!







Well I suffered an injury at work, back related... so I had to put off the work I had planned to get the new big tank up and running. It did however give me some rest time where I could recline and use the computer to do some more research into Amano style aquascaping.

Alas the beast still lies beside my bed, empty.
YIKES! Nothing like having a pet that can send you to the ER for an expensive bill! :)

So, how do they ship those?
most people that have them keep them inside small thick plastic tanks with thick walls... If you have yours in a glass tank dont be shocked to find a cracked or broken tank one day when you get home... I still think they are way cool tho...
Actually, most of the popular stomatopods are "Bashers" with a blunt hard weapon. So a good quality aquatic shipping bag is really all thats needed. Since the bag offers little resistance to a miniature blow, nothing should occur. It's the shrimp that are "stabbers" that would cause trouble.

As far as my tank, now that my back has healed up nicely, Ill be able to lift it down and start putting the gravel and stuff in. I hope to put some photos up on Friday maybe.

Any Takashi Amano fans here :)?
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